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Marco Polo and Horizon roof blistering questionnaire

Marco Polo Roof Blisters Survey / Questionnaire
I’ve shared a link to your questionnaire on the Mercedes Marco Polo Facebook Group.
Noticed a response from one MP owner saying she didn’t have or need a Google account and was wondering if there was an alternative means of logging her MP’s details?
I wonder if I could lean on your excellent social skills once again Paul? If possible would you mind updating the FB community on the responses received so far? You should be able to view the responses by clicking the below link (better just check it works yourself first o_O). Thank you in advance for any help/advice you can offer.

I have just been given the personal mobile number of the MB UK sales director which I will call next week to see if we can't have an individual take ownership of the problem. If this doesn't happen I'll share the number with everyone...
I have just been given the personal mobile number of the MB UK sales director which I will call next week to see if we can't have an individual take ownership of the problem. If this doesn't happen I'll share the number with everyone...
That is the best piece of news I have had in a long time!! good luck on your call with him.

If he needs the data from the public document we have created on the forum with 64 responses in just over 2 weeks documenting 33 replacement roofs so far with another 40 live cases of people who think their roof needs replacing, just let me know...I can do a handy .csv export or something....mind you that might frighten him off!

Nice work!!

BTW - my wife loves your profile pic...I fear I might have to start shopping for a Fiat 500 birthday pressie!!
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I have borrowed the below text from another thread on the forum as it is super applicable here.
Good work RFT, many thanks and all credit due for your efforts in getting this issue onto the right desks at MBUK. :Thumbs up: Mega Work!!

"As promised I have now spoken to Rob Halloway who is Marketing Director at MB, on the board and reports directly to the UK CEO. He was joined on the call by Sam Johnson who is the Customer Assistance Manager and who heads the department that deals with escalation of problems. Neither claimed any knowledge of our roof blister problem.

My roof was last replaced in January, with one with a serial number, and so I'm hopeful that this latest iteration of roof will sort my own problem. However, I made it very clear that inside or outside the 3 year warranty, roofs need to be replaced until the problem is finally fixed.

I would recommend that everyone emails MB with their own story, whether they are in warranty and having knock back from their dealer, out of warranty and have had their claim kicked out or currently problem free (like me) but registering their concern that their current roof may not be any better than their previous roof.

I specifically requested that a specific person be nominated at MB to be their point man and I was disappointed that after the call I was given by text what looks like a generic email address me but advised that it was not generic! Whether you have used the email below previously or not please refer to the Marco Polo roof matter that has been discussed with Rob Halloway and Sam Johnson.

If you still receive a less than helpful reply that looks as though it has not been escalated please tell me and once I have a handful I will tell Rob and Sam that their suggestion hasn't worked and if they then fail to take appropriate action I will release their email addresses and direct numbers.

Obviously the more people that email with their concerns the better: [email protected]"
Thanks to RFT and GT for your input in the matter.
Our roof was inspected at MB Southampton six weeks ago and we’ve heard nothing since.
I have emailed MB UK as you suggested and will update with any response.
Let me add my thanks to RFT and GT.

I took my March 2019 registered 250 sport to MB in Carlisle 2 weeks before Easter for inspection of my first rash of roof blisters. The inspection of the problem took little more than 30 minutes and customer care was exemplary. As promised I received a prompt communication from them today letting me know MB had approved the roof for replacement and they would let me know ASAP when they have the parts and are ready to start work. Let’s hope this resolves the issue and I will ask for reassurance that the new roof will be given a suitable warranty period from replacement. So far though I am happy with the response from Sytner Carlisle,
Let me add my thanks to RFT and GT.

I took my March 2019 registered 250 sport to MB in Carlisle 2 weeks before Easter for inspection of my first rash of roof blisters. The inspection of the problem took little more than 30 minutes and customer care was exemplary. As promised I received a prompt communication from them today letting me know MB had approved the roof for replacement and they would let me know ASAP when they have the parts and are ready to start work. Let’s hope this resolves the issue and I will ask for reassurance that the new roof will be given a suitable warranty period from replacement. So far though I am happy with the response from Sytner Carlisle,
Can you please ask for their written confirmation of warranty in case the replacement roof fails after March 2022 and then share it with us?
I today got a reply from MB UK which was very positive thanks in no small part to the good work done on this excellent forum.
A guy called Harry Clarke has been appointed as our sole point of contact. He promised to chase up MB Southampton as we haven’t heard from them in six weeks. He also promised to oversee the repair from start to finish.
Within a few hours I got a call from MB Southampton who were very apologetic for not updating us. Our claim has been approved and the new roof is already in stock. They are just waiting on a couple of small parts and once in we will get a fitting date.
I was reassured to hear that ours will be fourth one they have done. They reckon they will need the car for five days.
He said that the new roof is made of a different material so the problem should not reoccur.
I asked about warranty should we have more problems. He said it would be covered by the 30 year rust warranty. Has anyone else heard this?
I today got a reply from MB UK which was very positive thanks in no small part to the good work done on this excellent forum.
A guy called Harry Clarke has been appointed as our sole point of contact. He promised to chase up MB Southampton as we haven’t heard from them in six weeks. He also promised to oversee the repair from start to finish.
Within a few hours I got a call from MB Southampton who were very apologetic for not updating us. Our claim has been approved and the new roof is already in stock. They are just waiting on a couple of small parts and once in we will get a fitting date.
I was reassured to hear that ours will be fourth one they have done. They reckon they will need the car for five days.
He said that the new roof is made of a different material so the problem should not reoccur.
I asked about warranty should we have more problems. He said it would be covered by the 30 year rust warranty. Has anyone else heard this?
That is fabulous news Blackrat and confirms something for me as my contact from MBUK is also Harry Clarke...Harry will become a legend on here if he can make a positive impact on sorting this out for all!
I today got a reply from MB UK which was very positive thanks in no small part to the good work done on this excellent forum.
A guy called Harry Clarke has been appointed as our sole point of contact. He promised to chase up MB Southampton as we haven’t heard from them in six weeks. He also promised to oversee the repair from start to finish.
Within a few hours I got a call from MB Southampton who were very apologetic for not updating us. Our claim has been approved and the new roof is already in stock. They are just waiting on a couple of small parts and once in we will get a fitting date.
I was reassured to hear that ours will be fourth one they have done. They reckon they will need the car for five days.
He said that the new roof is made of a different material so the problem should not reoccur.
I asked about warranty should we have more problems. He said it would be covered by the 30 year rust warranty. Has anyone else heard this?
This sounds fantastic. I'd like to see the 30 year warranty in writing though! Once we get that I'll email Rob and Sam to thank them.
That's great news, on the two points of a new material/process for the roof and the 30 year cover. As RFT says, we need to see some evidence of the cover.
OK, well in the event that MB replaces a roof under warranty we need to consider what a reasonable warranty period would be for the new roof? Personally I think a paint warranty period should be applied, not sure if such a thing exists with MB
Genuine parts warranty:

"If a GenuinePart which has been purchased from a Mercedes-Benz Retailer proves to be defective due to faulty material or manufacture, within two-years (unlimited mileage) of date of purchase, this will be replaced and fitted by your Mercedes-Benz Retailer free-of-charge."
I did ask the warranty manager what happens if the new roof starts blistering again and my MP is out of warranty. He said because it's an ongoing problem, he will take it up with MB and they will honour the warranty. Whether his words carry any weight, I don't know.

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