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Using pop-up in bad weather

Parking the back end into the wind helps for moderately high winds, but wind can change direction so may mean an adjustment in the night. I've only slept once in very strong winds, and put the roof down just in case. Also, I've a wrap for the roof so rain is no issue, always used this so can't comment on heavy rain with just the MP fabric.

Hope this helps.
Hi, has anyone experienced sleeping in pop-up in heavy wind and rain?
Slept up top through several thunderstorms. No issues at all. Just made sure everything was really dry before closing for any length of time.
The rain magnet had a few very wet and windy sessions in the Shetlands last year: The wind pressure was forcing a fine spraythough the top ventillation slts. Orientation helped but on a couple of occasions the buffeting was so bad I lowered the roof and slept downstairs. I was concerned for structural damage to the scissor mechanism. I am not sure what wind speed the roof is tested to but I wasn’t prepared to find out.

A few yrars ago in Alsace we experienced the continuous thunder and lighning you often get in the Rhine Valley at certain times of the year - especially when I am there!. I was lying in bed up top enjoying watching the lightning thinking I was safe in a Faraday Cage. Watch Top Gear episode of Richard Hammond being struck by lightning in a car:

I then realised I wasn‘t sure I was not actually in one; a Faraday Cage has to totally enclosed with electrical conductors i.e. metal. The MP roof is fibreglass, the sides are canvas and there are two metalic lightning rods ( the scissor jacks) extended either side. I haven’t heard of anyone being fried in a pop top roof ….yet!

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