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Thoughts and decisions.... plus stuff for sale.

Colin Hollywood

Active Member
Hi everyone
Many will have noticed a lack of involvement from me on here of late... busy and also a change of plans.

After last year's emissions embargo debacle and the resultant cancellation of my MP order, health issues have intervened and questioned whether the MP is right for us. As a result we have decided not to get one and have not placed a new order (never say never!). We decided we needed a vehicle with a built-in loo, plus a full-time bed. (Mercedes, what about a MP based on the extra long V-class to include these?)

Having recently visited the Caravan, Camping & Motorhome Show at the NEC we saw plenty of alternatives, including Mercedes based ones. The new VW California XXL was also on show for the first time in the UK - the interior of which reminds me of a dentist's surgery, but a lovely bit of kit!

Missing completely from the show..... Mercedes! .... typical of their half-a***ed approach to MP in the UK.

Enough waffle... except to say I now have the following surplus to requirements and for sale....

1. Kampa Travel Pod Trip Air Drive-away Awning 2018 - brand new - put up in the garden to check all ok, but never used. Also includes Kampa Driveaway Fixing Kit 4mm & 6mm Rails 3m Set - also unused and still boxed.
Cost £380...
Would accept £300

2. Thetford Portapotti 335, plus large bottles of chemical and rinse. Brand new, unused and still boxed.
Cost £95...
Would accept £60

3. Semloh ML25 Mains Hook-up cable 25m, 2.5mm² thick 100% Copper 3 Core Cable + storage bag + UK mains converter lead. All brand new and never used.
Cost £40
Accept £30

Anyone interested, please let me know before I advertise elsewhere - I am based in North Dorset.

It is a sad thought that I am not going to be out and about in a MP this year - life gets in the way of the best laid plans sometimes!

Hi Colin - sorry to hear about your health - nothing too serious I hope. With regard to your items can I take item 2 Thetford PortaPotti off your hands? I’m in North Dorset as well so I think you can DM me and we can sort it out from there. Thanks
I am sorry to read this Colin.

I felt you enthusiasm and excitement.

I also share you view of the California Grande, which I come on another forum as "There seems no cohesion to it. Lit up brighter than a Bangkok brothel, a huge unused space in the back, more white melamine than a 1970's habitat store, it just looked ugly and totally lacking cohesion."

Best wishes for the future.
I am sorry to read this Colin.

I felt you enthusiasm and excitement.

I also share you view of the California Grande, which I come on another forum as "There seems no cohesion to it. Lit up brighter than a Bangkok brothel, a huge unused space in the back, more white melamine than a 1970's habitat store, it just looked ugly and totally lacking cohesion."

Best wishes for the future.
Thanks so much for your kind words! :)
Item 2 now SOLD... met up with MPOC member rovimor this morning and did the deal. If all members are as pleasant as him, the Club is in safe hands!
Irems 1 and 3 still available but will be advertised elsewhere shortly if no takers...
A pleasure to meet you as well Colin. Unfortunately I already have a selection of awnings and tents and couldn’t make room for yours as well! I am sorry you will be making your adventures without an MP but wish you all the best on your travels.

PS thanks for the Camperstop Europe book - I’m sure it will come in useful for our Italy trip!
Hello Colin

Thank you for your time earlier.
Any update on the “Kampa Driveaway Fixing Kit 4mm & 6mm Rails 3m Set” ?

Marco Polo Club
