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I recommend one of these:
Universal Motorhome water filler cap.(sorry was going for a link but failed!)
it fits on your water inlet and allows a standard hose fitting to attach
No mess and you can use any clean hose to fill.
Although the blue hose is best as it goes flat!
You will need to get a 25m hookup cable, both can be bought from caravan/motorhome dealers or Amazon.
It is a good idea to buy the waterproof bags to store the hose and cable in.
You an also buy an adapter to allow you to plug your hookup cable into a domestic 13A socket, vey handy at home!
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Hi all,
I have read so many comments on other forums about the storage of table and chairs so I thought that I would add a bit of factual information here re: usability of rear storage area resulting from table/chair storage.
Here is how I use mine and what I store there................Its either stored in with the chairs or its in one of the two storage boxes.
Chairs x 2
Levelling ramps & Chocks
25 metre cable reel
Water Hose & Connecters
Wind break 3 panel
Pegs & Hammer
Ground sheet
Camp Kitchen Cooker & Gas
Sun Shelter
Picnic Mat
Picnic Blanket
Mozzie Flares
Tea Lights
Collapsible Washing up Bowl
Travel Wash
Bin Bags
Multi tool pliers
Bits & Bobs Tin
Water purifier liquid
2kw Fan Heater
12v Tyre Inflater
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I like the solution that VW have of storing table and chairs in the door/tailgate lining and this I admit is not such an inventive solution but it does provide a top quality table and chairs and more than enough storage for my needs.

Braysaway - where did you get your storage boxes from? I want to find a good size but ones that will fit under the canvas chair / table holder.
Braysaway - where did you get your storage boxes from? I want to find a good size but ones that will fit under the canvas chair / table holder.
They are from John Lewis, they come with wheels which I removed along with the plastic brackets holding the wheels, the boxes then fit below the chair storage when straps are pulled up. Hope this helps.
Brilliant - thanks v much.
On the whole, i think there will be plenty of storage for two, if we are organised like you
From years of experience in motor homing its very easy to run out and buy lots of useless kit. But there are a few things you need for sure. Good outside chairs,table, water hose and connections, one of the expanding hoses works well,power lead. I also always take a cobb for cooking,a little ground sheet for outside area and thats it.on a swb van you dont need level blocks as you can always move the van around a bit to get level a small lathe spirit level on the dash helps here.
What hose connectors do you use?
I only have one which fits my garage tap at home but I’m sure Ill need a something different for various site taps.
I’m also looking for recommendations for lightweight (carbon) folding chairs to replace the MP originals.

Marco Polo Club
