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Hey Roger, could you also send me a copy of the manual ?
just want to see where they connect the wires to the battery, trying to do a diy install and i am not sure .
thanx in advance !
Thank you for the quick reply , try it next week .If you pop open the black panel below the fridge, you'll see a big silver unit on the left with a black mains lead. This is the charger for when on mains hookup. You can connect in to the leads on the white plug (ignore the green ones, the other two are obvious as to what they are)
Front wide 127,5cm, rear wide 132cm, total lenght 256cm, 35cm of front part has curvy shape, remaining part incl end looks very gently curved almost flat, shouldnt effect flexi panel instalationAwake my sleepy thread! Can someone tell me the total length of the roof T slots, and the distance they are apart rear and front (they taper inwards from back to front)
We are now using new panels that are a bit wider so need to check if any adjustments need making to the triple kit (or indeed it it will still fit!). The new panels come with a 3 year warranty, hence the change. I prob won't see an MP now until spring.
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