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Roof Cleaner Recommendation


Active Member

Anybody got any recommendations for cleaning the canvas part of the MP roof ?

We have a few mould spots on the front part and want to remove them but don't want to damage the water proofing of the canvas.

Anybody got any recommendations for cleaning the canvas part of the MP roof ?

We have a few mould spots on the front part and want to remove them but don't want to damage the water proofing of the canvas.
Also interested ... and for cleaning the roof of the MP? I have some parts with the marks of my hands when I lift the bed ...

Skickat från min SM-A320FL via Tapatalk
Spoke to the dealer about this and they use something called Snake Oil, as Marco is going in soon we’ll try and find out exactly what it is.
As advised in the handbook, don't use anything too strong or you will adversely affect the waterproofing on the bellows - at the most, soapy water.
Hi, no I didn’t, I’m not sure it was cleaned much either as the marks are still there.

The dealer has now sold the Mercedes franchise and the new dealer isn’t up and running yet so I can’t ask them either (and there’s a safety recall out to do with front seat seatbelts that I can’t get booked in for until they get uonto speed as well).
Hi, no I didn’t, I’m not sure it was cleaned much either as the marks are still there.

The dealer has now sold the Mercedes franchise and the new dealer isn’t up and running yet so I can’t ask them either (and there’s a safety recall out to do with front seat seatbelts that I can’t get booked in for until they get uonto speed as well).

Oh dear that’s annoying for you and I ....and Ooo what recall? The last was for the thorax underneath the seats which we had done, don’t know anything about a seatbelt recall yet!
Maybe it is that, it came up on ours about 6 weeks or so ago but I’m sure they said seatbelts but may have been front seats. I’ll know for sure whenever I get the booking slot from them and will report back!
Recall work done and it seems it was the Thorax. It is the wires underneath the seats that can be damaged when the seat is turned so they place covers on the wires. Seem the wires control seatbelt tensioners and other things. Still least that's done !

Now just waiting for a replacement waste water sensor, hoping this will be the last thing !

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