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Ride comfort

I have noticed the odd shuffle from the roof when the suspension gets a workout. I guess it’s to be expected considering the number of doors. Ours has 5 plus the roof aperture.. where none of the fixing points are really that secure.
Yes, same here. It's scuttle-shake similar to convertibles get due to torsional rigidity being removed by taking out the original roof but the squeak was the annoying thing and it seems to be gone now after a couple of lubrications
Update: Mine was the black plastic blocks on the end of the locking mechanisms on either side. Bit of nylon lubricant, problem solved!
Going to dealers today to sort out a a few niggles including rattles.

I find it’s best to try to identify the source yourself so stripped out including rear table and chairs.

After several bumpy road test runs to give the suspension a work out, I am left with
1) A squeaking/ creaking passenger seat. Hopefully the dealer can fix this because it can be reproduced when the vehicle is stationary. Also the drivers seat is quiet so I can’t be fobbed off.
2) The sound of the nuts and bolts in the passenger door (mentioned by @Spekky May 2018 Did you did the source?)
I m not sure if this is the roof flexing but it could be coming from the awning - possibly the flexible joints for the struts. Unfortunately no time to wrap them in foam to confirm.

Rattles during my “test runs” that I have solved
1) Kitchen table - tuck a tea towel between the seat and the table.
2) Kitchen cupboard drawer front - extra self adhesive bump stops between drawer front and frame - more positive than the thin feltused by Westfalia.

The stops must be the best value purchase so far, less than £2 from E Bay and still have dozens left which hopefully will not be needed.

Any news on the “nuts and bolts” in the door much appreciated.
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