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Pointless refactoring and irrelevant technology

The reversing camera offers very good feedback, so do the sensors.. I can’t argue with the quality of data from the 360° camera but it’s already covered with other features. It is indeed a very expensive umbrella..
"....Use of a 360 camera in addition to the skills you already have makes manoeuvres virtually effortless...."
I'd have to agree with that
The 360 camera is not just for reversing. It makes, for example, judging the N/S/F corner easier and more accurately than just by limited views from the windscreen. I don't use the 360 camera much but when needed - e.g. Devon very narrow roads with obstacles - it is very useful
Agree with SteveR, I have an underground parking spot allocated and it is super tight with large pillars dotted about. I have to manoeuvre with the mirrors folded (they still give a picture to the screen), and its quite easy with the 360 system. I don't use it under normal conditions, rely on mirrors and experience, but for this one place, its great!

Marco Polo Club
