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VIP Member
I know we are not exactly a large community but the number of posts on here that are started and not completed are increasingly frustrating.
items for sale, not marked as sold. Items for sale adverts not responded to. Calls for urgent help, quick response posted people go awol. I’m sure there are many many more examples.
at times this is a great wee community but more often than not people just post and forget to respond.
please try and remember that your experience however small can really help fellow owners and campers.
Try your best in the face of life’s rigours and pleasures to respond It will make for a much more active and supportive resource for current and prospective owners.
Apologies if this is seen as a rant, it isn’t at all I’m just mindful that we have a great site here let’s try and help maintain and develop the content for the benefit of all.
items for sale, not marked as sold. Items for sale adverts not responded to. Calls for urgent help, quick response posted people go awol. I’m sure there are many many more examples.
at times this is a great wee community but more often than not people just post and forget to respond.
please try and remember that your experience however small can really help fellow owners and campers.
Try your best in the face of life’s rigours and pleasures to respond It will make for a much more active and supportive resource for current and prospective owners.
Apologies if this is seen as a rant, it isn’t at all I’m just mindful that we have a great site here let’s try and help maintain and develop the content for the benefit of all.