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New review on honest john

"Operating the kitchen is easy, with the twin hob burner linked to a gas bottle that's situated in the boot. The fold out table, compact fridge and sink provide everything you need to store and prepare food. Running water is also supplied via a built-in water tank - which can be heated if you specify the optional heater. Filling the water tank is simple, via an external filler cap and waste water is collected in a separate tank that can then be emptied into a waste water tank."

Having trawled these pages and numerous others as well as reading articles, reading MB's operating manuals and speaking to dealers I am truly amazed by the misinformation and confusion over the MP. There is some great info on thes pages but having ordered my MP with the water heater and these pages saying it doesn't heat the water! How can HJ say it does!!!

Surely MB or Westphalia can put out some proper information for those of us who are not Cv savvy? Could I suggest a post for authenticated information by MB, WP or owners with knowledge?
"Operating the kitchen is easy, with the twin hob burner linked to a gas bottle that's situated in the boot. The fold out table, compact fridge and sink provide everything you need to store and prepare food. Running water is also supplied via a built-in water tank - which can be heated if you specify the optional heater. Filling the water tank is simple, via an external filler cap and waste water is collected in a separate tank that can then be emptied into a waste water tank."

Having trawled these pages and numerous others as well as reading articles, reading MB's operating manuals and speaking to dealers I am truly amazed by the misinformation and confusion over the MP. There is some great info on thes pages but having ordered my MP with the water heater and these pages saying it doesn't heat the water! How can HJ say it does!!!

Surely MB or Westphalia can put out some proper information for those of us who are not Cv savvy? Could I suggest a post for authenticated information by MB, WP or owners with knowledge?
It just demonstrates how unreliable these online reviews can be, have they actually used or even seen the MP! I agree with you that MB should do something to clear up the confusion regarding the Aux water heater and its purpose.
"The water feed to both sink tap and shower outlet are cold water supply only and there is no option for hot water supply" Come on Mercedes, sort it out!
hi, I don't think it is Mercedes problem. its just people who are making it up and not asking questions. The aux water heater is just not needed unless you live in Iceland or Norway. Its a preheater which has been fitted to a lot of cars, vans and army transport for years which are used in cold climates. but for a camper used in the Uk and in mild weather it is a total waste of money. I think that the confusion comes in when people see the price and try to make something out of it that is not there. also when did anyone take a car review for gospel. But I do think that the review is correct on the engine side of things, but also think that all this euro 5,6 crap as pushed makers too far now and they are just reinventing the wheel.
also for the money it would of been nice to have a hot water tap, the boiler is not much more then the heater fitted and years back I fitted one to a camper van, and if I can do it Mercedes sure can.
Thanks Terry, point being, and sorry to disagree but we do take reviews by car revierwwers as accurate. In any case, you and others may be knowledgeable but me (and possibly others who read this forum) come to them to get accurate information for their purchase decisions. At the moment there is some MP stuff out there as wrong and I am simply asking for some clarity. The water heater point has been made but MB should therefore update their dealers asap so that people like me are not misinformed. Brasway has put some really helpful info on this forum, lets try and keep it that way.
Dundry. car reviews are there to make people buy cars, they are paid for by the car industry. yes they may point out a very small fault but mainly its always good. if you follow car reviews you will always find that after the new model comes out the old one is just not so good full of faults etc. I am just trying to be real, not looking at things through rose tinted specs. and know the hot water system thing is NOT wrong, its a hot water system using the heater to warm up the engine coolant along with a bit of heat coming from into the cabin and the system uses hot water. As I said its buyers not checking the sales talk. Unlike you I place know trust in sales people at all, they are there to sale and sometimes these days to mislead. and I am sorry if you think that informing people that the hot water heater does not in fact not give you hot tap water is not helpful then what is.
Well done Terry for being a sophisticated buyer and pointing out that I'm not, obvs on the wrong forum for support and assistance. Not sure if that is directed at me or you but I think I'll keep Counsel on that one!
Dundry. car reviews are there to make people buy cars, they are paid for by the car industry. yes they may point out a very small fault but mainly its always good. if you follow car reviews you will always find that after the new model comes out the old one is just not so good full of faults etc. I am just trying to be real, not looking at things through rose tinted specs. and know the hot water system thing is NOT wrong, its a hot water system using the heater to warm up the engine coolant along with a bit of heat coming from into the cabin and the system uses hot water. As I said its buyers not checking the sales talk. Unlike you I place know trust in sales people at all, they are there to sale and sometimes these days to mislead. and I am sorry if you think that informing people that the hot water heater does not in fact not give you hot tap water is not helpful then what is.
I think Dundry was just commenting on the inaccuracy of the review by Honest John (I think you started the thread) and making the point that there is still a lot of shall we call it "fake news" out there regarding the MP. Mercedes should take some responsibility to make sure that "they at least" provide accurate information which will allow prospective customers to make an informed purchasing decision, they could do so easily through better communication and training of sales people in the dealer network. I have no doubt that the knowledge will improve and future customers will find it easier to get accurate information, it's just going to take a little time. In terms of your lack of trust in car sales people, they are not all Arthur Daleys, they are generally good people like you or I trying to make a living, they of course want to make the sale and they obviously have a margin to meet, other than that they want to provide you with a good service so that there is an ongoing customer/dealer relationship. If your idea of a good deal is the biggest discount that you can find then fine, use carwow or whoever and believe that you have saved yourself a few quid, I can guarantee you one thing, whatever price you pay the dealer will be happy! In my mind buying a new vehicle should not be a combative process with the sales person, it's a simple negotiation to agree the deal, after that it's all about service. I have no doubt that my local dealership are going to look after me into the future and will want to retain my business. That is how they stay in business. All of the above is of course in my experience/opinion. What does the water heater do again? ;-)
I agree with Dundry on this one, while the technical discription of the water heater maybe correct the understanding of what it actually does still seems to escape people at MB, the press and potential purchasers that's why forums like this are invaluable to me when entering the process.

A lot of the demos out there seem to have the water heater in their spec, and speaking to a couple of sales people they all seemed to think it would heat the water for the tap and shower. I don't for one second think they are there to intentionally mislead customers but it's easy to see how the assumption can be made.

Only yesterday I cancelled my order with the dealer offering the biggest discount through car wow, why? Because the service level through the process so far hasn't been to my level, I'm speaking to another dealer at present and the level of service so far is miles better. Hopefully going to re order tomorrow with them and while it's a little more I have a better feeling about the whole experience.

I'll keep you all updated.
I agree with Dundry on this one, while the technical discription of the water heater maybe correct the understanding of what it actually does still seems to escape people at MB, the press and potential purchasers that's why forums like this are invaluable to me when entering the process.

A lot of the demos out there seem to have the water heater in their spec, and speaking to a couple of sales people they all seemed to think it would heat the water for the tap and shower. I don't for one second think they are there to intentionally mislead customers but it's easy to see how the assumption can be made.

Only yesterday I cancelled my order with the dealer offering the biggest discount through car wow, why? Because the service level through the process so far hasn't been to my level, I'm speaking to another dealer at present and the level of service so far is miles better. Hopefully going to re order tomorrow with them and while it's a little more I have a better feeling about the whole experience.

I'll keep you all updated.
Can you share which dealers? This would be helpful for those of us still to go through the buying process. Or maybe post your experiences in the dealer review section if not here.

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