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New owner lesson 1 - gas


Active Member
Went on the first trip over the weekend, gas stopped working - a blocked gas regulator, think it might be worth sharing.

The problem was presumably caused by driving without closing the gas valve (on the gas tank) in combination with a full bottle of gas. After a bit of reading, basically gas comes with oil residual (impurity), when the oil gets into the regulator (presumably by driving) it causes a rubber part inside of the regulator to swollen creates the blockage.

1, Do close the valve before driving (especially if it is a full bottle).
2, "Auf" in german means "on" despite it sounds "off". (which is printed on the valve I have).
3, If you do have to replace the regulator, vwcaliforniaclub sells it.

Happy camping :)
This has made me think!! Can anyone advise as to why you have a shut off valve on the gas cylinder (regulator) and a shut off valve on the control panel below the fridge ? This second one to me would seem to be redundant ?

Any ideas / clues ! Thanks.

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When you are driving shut the one on the cylinder, otherwise I’d high five you one day.
When you’re stationary, shut the one under the sink when not cooking, save yourself a hassle from shut the other one.

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