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MP Navigation

I'm in Slovakia; I paid €419! (one-time fee) through the Mercedes app for a "smartphone integration" with the official Mercedes dealer, and they installed android auto / carplay onto my system (I have a 2019 Marcopolo)
Hi Coultonshaw; This is interesting, my local dealer said that they would look into this but I haven not heard anything back.
Do you have any details about the installation that you could share please?
I would like to go to the dealer and say "what about this"
Here in the Netherlands I had Android Auto build in (MP 2015). The box was € 474 (+ € 149 to build it in my car).
They sell the box with a manual how to put it in your car yourself for € 474,-.
Same for CarPlay.
Here the link https://www.caroptions.nl
Maybe usefull for you.
I would be interested in a dongle for the USB socket , but guess the issue would be compatibility, l will keep an eye on this post .,
My maps is complete rubbish if l put destination Dover from Colchester it directs me through central London, does not recognize QUEEN ELIZABETH bridge
Had the CarPlay installed, works well, all Bluetooth connectivity and you can toggle between normal Comand functions and the CarPlay using the 'back' button top left of the control wheel. Reversing camera cuts in automatically as well. The only minor issue is the climate control display, when you make a change normally the graphics at the bottom of the screen appear and tell you temp etc, this doesn't happen in CarPlay mode. That is unless someone knows how to make this happen? Very happy with it, use global player/BBC sounds for digital radio.
Had the CarPlay installed, works well, all Bluetooth connectivity and you can toggle between normal Comand functions and the CarPlay using the 'back' button top left of the control wheel. Reversing camera cuts in automatically as well. The only minor issue is the climate control display, when you make a change normally the graphics at the bottom of the screen appear and tell you temp etc, this doesn't happen in CarPlay mode. That is unless someone knows how to make this happen? Very happy with it, use global player/BBC sounds for digital radio.
That's great Steve B. which CarPlay did you plumb for? I am going to do this but am finding it a bit of a minefield in the market.
Mercedes have not been much help I'm afraid but the lack of up-to-date navigation on a vehicle made for touring is annoying me.
The https://www.caroptions.nl mentioned above looks good and I am aware of the Command system. Its just which to choose.
That's great Steve B. which CarPlay did you plumb for? I am going to do this but am finding it a bit of a minefield in the market.
Mercedes have not been much help I'm afraid but the lack of up-to-date navigation on a vehicle made for touring is annoying me.
The https://www.caroptions.nl mentioned above looks good and I am aware of the Command system. Its just which to choose.
If you fancy a run out to Nottingham, TTW installations were great. They took under 3 hours to install and set me up, they have a great waiting area (I worked on MS Teams from there as the wifi was good and there was a desk and chair!). I was speaking to another person having a large screen fitted to a range rover sport and he uses them regularly saying they have a great local reputation.
In my 2017 MP with Tomtom map (live traffic pack still valid till 2026) which I feel quite useless, I use a phone clip and Waze for much better navigations.

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