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MP Embargo

Hi everyone.
First time on the forum today.
Ordered my MP about a month ago and was aware of the embargo at the time.
We have had little feed back from MB when it will be lifted but a couple of people on the forum have said it is already liffted . Can anyone confirm this.
We ordered in April and the original July delivery date has slipped - our dealer has not yet been able to confirm when delivery will be possible but believes it is ‘imminent’ - we shall see. In the meantime we have borrowed their demonstrator for a weekend and have been promised the use of it again in October if ours hasn’t turned up by then. Borrowing the demonstrator just reminds us why we ordered it in the first place and we are really looking forward to it arriving even if the first few trips will be over the late autumn/ early winter.

What delivery date was estimated for your vehicle? Good luck anyway and I am sure you will have a lot of fun with it when it does arrive.
Just had confirmation today that our MP has arrived at the dealer and once they have completed software updates etc then we can go and pick it up. Just as my work diary goes crazy.....

Marco Polo Club
