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Market place restrictions for items for sale

Hi Brian,

Yes it seems that there are some limitations on the sales section which after paying £10 to become platinum member is a bit disappointing. Still as above I should have posted in general section. Doh! I’m sure once more members join it will be worth it, but until then it’s not ideal.

Anyhow, Pics I have of it are too large to upload I’m afraid, but it’s on eBay at the moment with pics and a buy it now option. See link below.

Got someone who has advised is going to make an offer today close to the price so if you are interested pls do be quick.

All the best,


It's just £9.99! I've paid that much for a pint!

The fact it's 9.99 is irrelevant. The issue is, the way the restrictions have been done, it basically means as a VIP member you can sell stuff, but only to other VIP members (i.e. a tiny portion of the users).

It's nonsensical imho.
V true.

With more users and an active second hand scene it might make more sense but with MP in UK being relatively new it seems quite restrictive.

Marco Polo Club
