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Marco Polo Insurance Coverage with MPV classification

Be careful what you wish for In changing the V5C!
An MPV is subject to the same road traffic regulations (speed limits etc.) as a car.
If it reclassified it is likely to be classified as a van (or worse) and the appropriate road traffic regulation restrictions will apply.

A point to consider bearing in mind how well the MP drives.
Table below from gov.uk website added for reference.
National speed limits
Type of vehicleBuilt-up areas mph (km/h)Single carriageways mph (km/h)Dual carriageways mph (km/h)Motorways mph (km/h)
Cars, motorcycles, car-derived vans and dual-purpose vehicles30 (48)60 (96)70 (112)70 (112)
Cars, motorcycles, car-derived vans and dual-purpose vehicles when towing caravans or trailers30 (48)50 (80)60 (96)60 (96)
Motorhomes or motor caravans (not more than 3.05 tonnes maximum unladen weight)30 (48)60 (96)70 (112)70 (112)
Motorhomes or motor caravans (more than 3.05 tonnes maximum unladen weight)30 (48)50 (80)60 (96)70 (112)
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I totally understand you frustration I have a 2019 Marco Polo sport with factory fitted kitchen with mpv log book , for the first few month the vehicle was added on to my admiral multi insurance but now that is due for renewal, I have spoken to dvla and a few insurance companies regarding this matter and have decided to go with comfort insurance, both the insurance and dvla confirm that my vehicle classification is right and this is why - because the vehicle was made by Mercedes and is a v-class car it doesn’t need to be changed , it would only need to be changed if the maker and the converter where different , and comfort insurance accept this and will insurance it as is , this is a new rule thing that has just come out hence some older Marco Polo have been allowed to change, dvla will not allow you to change it now , as for road tax there is no difference in price as for insurance I would advise going to a motor home insurance firing as it will be a lot cheaper to insurance but do tell them and most will know the new dvla rules , as for euro tunnel and ferry’s you are classed as a car and not a motor home meaning in most case it’s cheaper to travel, in my honest opinion we have the best of both worlds just remember talk to you insurance and make sure they have the right vehicle down, my insurance cost £350 for a year with comfort insurance
Gaz, do you know who it was you spoke to at Comfort as they are telling me I need to get reclassified as either a motor home or "van with Windows"?
My insurance is due, phoned Comfort to get a quote and they won't proceed without seeing photos of the conversion. Is that the experience of others who insured with them? No mater how much I said its factory as per a VW California, they said they need photos
My insurance is due, phoned Comfort to get a quote and they won't proceed without seeing photos of the conversion. Is that the experience of others who insured with them? No mater how much I said its factory as per a VW California, they said they need photos
I did not need to provide photos when I insured my Marco Polo , maybe it’s a new thing ?
When l insured with LV they just wanted to know if there were any after purchase modifications . So did not seem to be a problem
Got a good quote in the end from comfort, 5 photos needed for future claim reference if I take it out. It was thorough and the good thing is it is absolutely clear what’s covered.
Comfort said they’d insist on my MP being registered from MPV to motor home or van with windows if I went with them.
Just had my motor insurance company on the phone, I gave them the reg number of the Marco Polo I am thinking of buying and asked for quote to add the new vehicle to my existing comprehensive insurance of my other vehicle. They said an extre £50 would cover this including having my partner as a named driver. Sounds cheap for comprehensive cover.
Am I missing something. Just done a quote online with Comfort and their insurance is coming up over £1,100. If I do a comparison through confused.com and put in the reg details, the classification is 4 seater campervan, which seems accurate, and the quotes coming up start at £993 per year with Admiral. I assumed Comfort would be more reasonable. Any issue going with Admiral (from experiences)...? It's categorised as a "campervan" so they must know the extra potential costs involved in replacements/payout situation...?
....Any issue going with Admiral (from experiences)...?
Hi Ange, I've been with Admiral in the past and while fortunate enough not to have to claim, they've been fine otherwise. I usually go to a comparison site and select from there.
Somewhat surprised with your quote though. I know you are London but we're only 25miles out and mine has just been renewed with LV for around £300 if I recall correctly.
I get that everyone has different circumstances but that is still quite a difference?
Am I missing something. Just done a quote online with Comfort and their insurance is coming up over £1,100. If I do a comparison through confused.com and put in the reg details, the classification is 4 seater campervan, which seems accurate, and the quotes coming up start at £993 per year with Admiral. I assumed Comfort would be more reasonable. Any issue going with Admiral (from experiences)...? It's categorised as a "campervan" so they must know the extra potential costs involved in replacements/payout situation...?
I've just renewed with Comfort and am paying just a little over £330 after having a claim last year, a farm vehicle put a scrape down the side from a load of old fencing it was carrying after the load slipped...and put a row of scratches right down the length of the van, which was only 4 months old! Dealing with Comfort with that claim was really easy. I did have my MP reclassified with DVLC from an MPV to a Motor Home/Campervan and that appeared to make a difference with Comfort when I first took out the policy last year.
Were with comfort, went through the hoops to be clear on what they were insuring and sent photos, ours is also around £300 but 'no claims bonus' not part of their plan and also no 'to and from usual place of work', pure leisure vehicle insurance which is what we use it for
Hi Ange, I've been with Admiral in the past and while fortunate enough not to have to claim, they've been fine otherwise. I usually go to a comparison site and select from there.
Somewhat surprised with your quote though. I know you are London but we're only 25miles out and mine has just been renewed with LV for around £300 if I recall correctly.
I get that everyone has different circumstances but that is still quite a difference?
Yeah, it's a lot. And I have 15 years no claims! But I need to have it for business use, not just social and it's going to be our every day vehicle.
Try an online LV quote, with and without ncd and see what comes back. This has been cheapest route I’ve experienced on a number of cars incl the van.
Me again. Has anyone gone with a "black box" option to reduce their insurance...? It's come up on an Admiral quote and is £150 less. Just wondering how it's installed, and what the implications for having one. What are they recording on it, your speed and mileage...? Do they use information stored in it in the case of an accident...? Do they charge you extra or refuse to pay out if they're not happy with what the little black box tells them...?
Wow!! Go you!! I'm gob-smacked by how little most people seem to be paying for their insurance!!
I do have a dash cam and NCD but the MP is cheaper to insure with the same mileage than our 09 plate Mini on 7 years NCD. 3000 miles on each.

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