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Marco Polo badge/letters for tailgate

Hi, thanks for letting us know. Mercedes in Hamilton are repairing the rear seat and fitting the new Marco Polo badge in January. The leisure battery seems to fully charge ok. We can't see anything wrong with the roof, (although may need to get ladders to look at it properly) but it opens and closes fine. Can you tell me what the problem was.
I had lots of problems with the rear seats as for the roof it’s got blisters, if you talk to Mercedes they know all about it , I sold it late September and the new roof came in late October
Hi, We just bought a 2019 Marco Polo, but there is no 'Marco Polo' logo on the rear. I was thinking of buying chrome adhesive letters. Can anyone suggest quality chrome letters or knows if a Mercedes dealership would order them.
Are you still looking? I've just taken delivery and removed my letters. Pm me if you'd like them.

Marco Polo Club
