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Kitchen glass protection

Dr Crill


Has anyone sourced an optimal protector to sit on top of the glass tops to the fridge, cooker and sink?

I can see nothing which suggests that they will be as toughened and scratch resistant as a ceramic hob or an iPhone cover.

Since the need to place some things on there some of the time is unavoidable I figure some form of protection is required.

Apart from anti- slip cut to suitable size just wondered if anyone has unearthed a more durable and elegant solution .


Hi Darrel I've bought very thin flexable chopping boards from ikea 2 for £1.20 in black and they fit on the glass to protect from scratches , it might not be everyone cup of tea,but it's cheap and cheerful and does the job and looks ok not out of place .Their so thin that they end up level with the silver frame looks good to me. I bought 2 for now and plan to go buy another two to cover the whole glass
What about that clear sticky back plastic used on whiteboards and the like, I bet that is the same as the anti chip tape used on wheel arches and bicycle frames. I bet you can get that in rolls on amazon or eBay apply it using soap and water then trim off the excess with a scalpel. You could probably get some from your local sign makers, they print on it for advertising and inspirational glass boardroom mumbo jumbo.
Here's an idea (from a German forum):
Foiling ...
Example see picture


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Can anyone tell me the approx size of the glass tops?
I pick up my new MP next week, and I wanted to start buying some bits n pieces before i head out on my first trip :)

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