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Is my table broken?


Hi all, I’ve just picked up my new 220 AMG today, got it home and playing around I’m wondering if the table should be more secure than it is. Sliding it out, unless I support it on the left side it would drag along the floor, so seems to be missing an attachment at the top on that side. It means with the leg down it’s not very rigid on the bench seat side. Am I missing something? Apart from that...I’m thrilled and can’t wait to use.
Unfortunately it sounds like something is not right with your table. Mine certainly doesn’t drag on the floor and is secure when up. Is there something obviously different to the other side? A fixing missing or broken or simply just not connected?
Thanks Roy, it certainly feels different to the right hand side, very loose. It’s clearly not right so back I go to the dealer!
Unfortunately it sounds like something is not right with your table. Mine certainly doesn’t drag on the floor and is secure when up. Is there something obviously different to the other side? A fixing missing or broken or simply just not connected?
+1. Mine either...

Skickat från min SM-A320FL via Tapatalk
There was a bracket missing or perhaps wrongly fitted apparently. Anyway, it’s all been fixed quite quickly at MB Brooklands so we’re back in business.

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