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How is Covid 19 Affecting You

With nothing better to do on a sunny afternoon, I installed a temporary right hand side bar.
My only customer complained that the Aperol was missing. Back to the drawing board while I console myself with a surger Guinness, the nearest to draught at the moment.

I hope those with queries for other side bars get them answered.

I really must get out more so camping out tonight :)

Stay safe everyone.


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Is there much of a difference between canned draught and the vibrated draught? I'm a Guinness drinker but haven't thought about the vibro method at home
Is there much of a difference between canned draught and the vibrated draught? I'm a Guinness drinker but haven't thought about the vibro method at home

I understand the Guinness ultrasonic surger was produced to maintain the quality in small bars that do not have a big turnover to justify barrels.
I don’t drink a lot of Guinness but my opinion cans using the ultrasonic surger taste better than those with a widget.
The small ultrasonic surgers are difficult to get hold of and sometimes go for silly money on ebay. I got mine on a deal with several packs of Guinness.
You also have to buy the surger Guinness in bulk and I have noticed that its shelf life can be variable.
In my hasty departure from France last month I left about 30 cans behind. Not sure how they will taste when I get back.
I drink Guinness, wasn’t aware of a new ting for waking it up... it’s the only drink I will buy in cans and for some reason it feels proper when you crack that ring pull and hear the widget spin off like a Catherine wheel. I do like a large glug of tia Maria in the bottom of the glass before I pour it.
I had a look online and you can't get them for sensible money. Not willing to pay c£100 ebay price to find out!
When I was looking, I refused to pay more than £50 on ebay. Eventually I had one as a present. I understand it cost less than £30 on a deal with either 4 or 6 slabs (24) of surger Guinness.

I have just had two cans. Neither surged properly but tasted OK. The money is definitely better spent on Tia Maria shots which I intend trying especially as I have only 8 cans left..........:(
I had a couple of widget cans last night whilst on the now common family Skype quiz. They were fine, but looking forward to a proper pint.
self isolating on the drive at the weekend.!

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Our Marco Polo is a year old.

Last year was frustrating (see last year’s post “Got it ! Not quite the first night away we had planned”)

At the time I thought camping on the drive was a bit naff but wanted to enjoy the vehicle.

We eventually got away to the French Alps and various parts of the UK so summer and autumn were great.

What a difference a year makes.......

This year we deliberately did not have any lambs so that we would not be tied down and would be able to get away. Scotland before the midges was on the agenda.

Then Covid 19 arrived.
Instead we camp the drive in support of the NHS and all share a common desire to get out and about.

I think tonight we will celebrate the MPs birthday with a bottle (or two)of wine. Later I will treat it to a night of my snoring. Wife will stay in the house. She will be happy on two counts! :) :)
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The MP was SORNed last December because we were away skiing for the winter. I did not bother to tax it when we returned due to the coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

After quite a few nights camping in various parts of the garden, in support of NHS, and other less worthy excuses to sleep outside, it is taxed and can go further afield.
Yippee ! ! :Banana Dance

Let’s hope cases continue to fall and we can do some proper travelling.

Stay safe everyone.
:Thumbs up: Probably did a mile in 6 months and most of that was wheel spin in the mud putting the van away before Christmas. Stormed up the Wye Valley today to get a click and collect and blow the cobwebs out. Forgotten where half the minor controls are!

Wouldn’t recommend the campsite though, uneven, no hardstanding, WiFi erratic, weird owners who drink too much.;)

Marco Polo Club
