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Gas bottle - where to buy?


We’ve just taken delivery of our new MP. Super excited...! The dealer that did the handover said it doesn’t come with a gas bottle and we’d need to buy one. Where can you get one? Online or certain places?
Super thank you. Presume I don't need a regulator and that's already in the van?
No that's already provided and you just need the bottle. I bought mine from an eBay business seller specialised in gas bottles. It costed around £45 with a brand new fully filled bottle.
You can buy an empty at Halfords and then exchange it for a full one, that worked out cheaper than simply getting a full tank and paying the rental on top.

As mentioned the regulator is included....
+1 for Halfords. Also as you are basically swapping it in the shop, might be worth popping by the local recycling centre and seeing if hey have one you could have.

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