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Fridge warning sign


Hi, Has anyone encountered the following issue. I had my fridge hinges replaced after one of them had snapped, hence they had to remove the fridge in order to replace the hinges. I was lucky to only have been charged for two hours labour although I later discovered that it had taken the chaps at the dealers eight hours to complete the job. I am however now faced with the following issue.

Can't help here, sorry, as this is the first time i've seen this warning sign. Will be interested in the outcome though
At a guess, I'd say that it's to do with an electrical connection for a sensor - I'd send it back to the dealer (or whoever changed the hinges) and get them to sort it out.
At a guess, I'd say that it's to do with an electrical connection for a sensor - I'd send it back to the dealer (or whoever changed the hinges) and get them to sort it out.
Makes sense, thanks. They might have reconnected something wrong.
I too have this issue also. Did you work it out.
I think it cut off as was too hot one day but now not working at all and this symbol on.

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