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Fridge hinges


Hi, I was wondering if someone has had the same issue as me. Yesterday one of the fridge hinges broke and when I asked my dealer for a replacement hinge, I was told that I need to replace the whole door/cover of the fridge which also contains the glass top. They have told me that it would be approx £1000 and personally I think that this is not on as all that I need is a hinge.
Have any of you nice people faced a similar issue? and if so, what did you do about it because I am definitely not spending that amount of money for a hinge.


I thinks its pick a number and treble it with MB parts! Mines still OK, so can't help. Its ironic, MB will go out of their way to show their green credentials in the media, but throw a perfectly good door way for the sake of a hinge. Think of the CO2 in making the glass/plastic.
Hi. I know you can buy the hinges from Marco Polo Mylife but I don’t think they deliver into the U.K. post Brexit. It might help convince Mercedes to look a little harder on their systems if you show them available. Good luck, £1000 for a hinge is beyond expensive.


I'm not sure exactly which part you require based on your post but the info I have is that the fridge is a dometic rc1144... If you Google that model and hinge you will find results which may help.
It looks like after they checked further that they do sell the hinges separately. They come as a pair and will cost £118 which although still damn expensive, they will not be the initial £1000 which was quoted. The total cost will be £283 including the labour given that I saw the instructions on how to remove the fridge and it does not look like fun hence, I have opted for the official garage to replace the hinges.
Thanks for your comments, appreciated.
It looks like after they checked further that they do sell the hinges separately. They come as a pair and will cost £118 which although still damn expensive, they will not be the initial £1000 which was quoted. The total cost will be £283 including the labour given that I saw the instructions on how to remove the fridge and it does not look like fun hence, I have opted for the official garage to replace the hinges.
Thanks for your comments, appreciated.
Would you be able to post the part numbers and where you sourced the hinges? It may just help an owner in the future who is in a similar predicament.
If anyone ever tackles this job themselves it’d make a good write up and resource. Thanks for posting the part numbers and the links.

Still ridiculous for a hinge but with some knowledge on how to access the fridge it’s probably something that’s not beyond the reach of us mere mortals.
Fridge1.jpgFridge1.jpgFridge2.jpgthese are the instructions which I got on how to do the job. I thought that it would be best for them to do it in case I break something else and have to pay more for the job. It is crazy that it will cost me £300 for a hinge replacement. The gas hobs and sink hinges are easy to change as they are visible but the fridge has one screw which I cannot reach and hence the reason for the complete removal of the fridge.
I'have done it!!

I follow the instructions posted by adriandh (thanks!!!!!) and in one hour of unconfortable job I was able to remove the fridge and the old hinges and then mount all the stuff back.

Some instructions are a bit misleading, and makes you move the bench back and forth several times, but it works. The first thing that you have to remove is the metal plate underneath the kitchen, in order to reach the screws located above.

The worst part for me was the removal of all the wirings and the fixing latches of the wires. You don't have to remove the connectors depicted in the first photo, but all the three located below it, the white connector behind the compressor unit and the temperature monitor (the white cable insterted in the fridge box).
The second photo shows the fridge removed.

So overcome the fear and do the job by yourself!
You need a strong assistant to help to lift the fridge and to put it back while you insert the bolts.


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View attachment 2624View attachment 2624View attachment 2625these are the instructions which I got on how to do the job. I thought that it would be best for them to do it in case I break something else and have to pay more for the job. It is crazy that it will cost me £300 for a hinge replacement. The gas hobs and sink hinges are easy to change as they are visible but the fridge has one screw which I cannot reach and hence the reason for the complete removal of the fridge.
Hubby is going to attempt this today plus replacing the thermistor at the same time (hopefully!) Out of interest, who is the main dealer that you used and where did you get these detailed instructions please? I’m asking because we are having great difficulty finding a main dealer that even knows anything about the habitation side of a MP!
I have ordered and received the hinges. It would be nice if you could simply lift the fridge, but that seems to be impossible. I understand here that instead of lifting the fridge I need to lower it by working on the construction underneath the fridge. Quite a challenge, it's a pity there's no video instruction, maybe I'll make one if I dare to do the job myself.
Hello all,

i'm quite active in facebook (France&Germany) as I'm owner of a MarcoPolo , and working in the automotive.

For those who need some, original ones from SouthCo, I can offer :
- single, left : 25 euros
- single, right : 25 euros
- set, left & right : 45 euros
- for more, please ask.

Shipping from France : 5 euros with tracking number

Don't hesitate to ask.... if you need !


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