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Fridge freezes all the time

This is a common problem. Put “fridge“ in the search box, check titles only, and you’ll find plenty of threads and one example of someone replaced the sensor himself with a new one.
My MP Westfalia fridge just freezes everything, does anyone know how to rectify this problem?
Sensor has probably failed. I am about to replace mine. The part is £76 from Mercedes. If they struggle to find the part ask them to call James at Mercedes Tonbridge. Video on you tube ( in German but easy to understand )
Sensor has probably failed. I am about to replace mine. The part is £76 from Mercedes. If they struggle to find the part ask them to call James at Mercedes Tonbridge. Video on you tube ( in German but easy to understand )

Mercedes Marco Polo Kühlschranksensor ersetzen / Kühlschrank defekt​

This is the link for the video

Marco Polo Club
