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Engine Management light ON



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Hi all MarcoPolo v250d c15000 miles on the clock, 2019 model. Flawless until today when the EML light on the dash won’t go off.

tried calling garages but can’t see the car for a ridiculous length of time.

ad blue is almost full, diesel is three quarters.

anyone near me in Glasgow got an OBD scanner? I really need the car as my Mother in Law has been taken to hospital.

Edit been told I can drive the car as it’s a yellow light, red not. Have an appointment tomorrow for someone to have a look at least.
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Update. Fault codes related to exhaust temp senor and a dpf regen motor.
Will update more completely shortly.

suspect as the mp has be getting lots of short trips the car hasn’t been getting a run and needs a clear out.

fault codes cleared for now. Monitor. I’ll give her a good run this weekend. If it reappears we book back in for the temp sr or first and further investigation on the Dpf “motor.”

£78 for diags worse case £1050 for the more expensive part etc (£280).

hey ho.
Hi! We have a 2006 MP in Norway which is only used in the summer. Occasionally we have also been greeted with the dreaded EML light. The mechanic in our local workshop said that it was not uncommon for this to appear on Mercedes V class if the battery had been low for a while or if the vehicle was standing in a hot environment over a longer period, or after many short trips. His advice was to reset it, drive around for a while and if it didn't come back then no worries. I bought a DIY on board diagnostics (OBD2) plug so I can do that myself from my mobile phone (after a quick glance at the registered fault). And that's it. The light has come on maybe once or a twice a season for the three years we've had the van, and it's never been permanent. To be fair, ours is the previous model (W639) with older electronics, but this info might help you. There are several different OBD devices to choose from. I use this one
Easy to plug in (socket under a flap in the footwell below the steering wheel), Bluetooth connection to a decent app on the phone.
^^^ thank you so much. So far so good the elm light hasn’t reappeared to date.
Pete S's advice is spot-on - it's definitely worth investing in a Code Reader/Reset. I have one for my 2 BMWs which has saved me a small fortune in diagnostic costs and will be getting something for the MP. Have a look at the MBClub.co.uk forums to see if there are any recommendations - the challenge is that the MP is still fairly new and the aftermarket takes a while to catch-up!

Hope that helps,

Marco Polo Club
