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Drive Away Awnings?

We have a Khayam model we use with a T5 which would fit a MP as well - very fast to put up and down, and space inside for two camp beds and an aisle down the middle (or use the whole thing for dining table and chairs). We also have a Vango Kela Airbeam that we use with our Dethleffs A-Class Motorhome, this would fit a MP too. Oddly, the Airbeam takes longer to put up than the Khayam. Both are great solutions to the problem that you can't use a camper van (or A-Class) to live/sleep in until you're got rid of all the clobber you are carrying with you, a tent is a great storage option. Both types have a zip-up back panel so you can drive off and leave everything dry inside. The thing you don't realise until you have one is that the bridging piece - the fabric that links the tent to the side of the van - is itself a pretty big storage space, big enough for shoes, portapotti etc. Well recommended...
We have a Khayam model we use with a T5 which would fit a MP as well - very fast to put up and down, and space inside for two camp beds and an aisle down the middle (or use the whole thing for dining table and chairs). We also have a Vango Kela Airbeam that we use with our Dethleffs A-Class Motorhome, this would fit a MP too. Oddly, the Airbeam takes longer to put up than the Khayam. Both are great solutions to the problem that you can't use a camper van (or A-Class) to live/sleep in until you're got rid of all the clobber you are carrying with you, a tent is a great storage option. Both types have a zip-up back panel so you can drive off and leave everything dry inside. The thing you don't realise until you have one is that the bridging piece - the fabric that links the tent to the side of the van - is itself a pretty big storage space, big enough for shoes, portapotti etc. Well recommended...
Good info! I was also looking for a driveaway awning couple of months ago but the thought of having to carrying a separate awning put me off. Please can you share the size of the two above mentioned awnings when they are folded away? Many thanks
Good info! I was also looking for a driveaway awning couple of months ago but the thought of having to carrying a separate awning put me off. Please can you share the size of the two above mentioned awnings when they are folded away? Many thanks
Hi there just been out to measure it and in its bag it's 110 cm long x 35 wide x 30 tall. Fits under the rear shelf of a T5 conversion easily, suspect you might have to compromise on the table and chairs in the back of a MP. This is what it looks like:
The Vango Airbeam is roughly the same size in its bag.

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