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Dometic on-board charger

Paul n Jo

Paul n Jo

VIP Member
Unfortunately for us, we had a spike from a generator whilst at a festival and it has blown our onboard charger which is a Dometic. Took the old one out(which is under the fridge) and sent messages and photos with all serial numbers, SKU numbers and pictures etc showing that this charger unit has 2 separate ports (Lin1 and Lin2) which my auto electrician seems to think that Lin1 port is the one for it to communicate with the Mercedes MBAC system and we think this is what shows that when plugged in from the mains, puts the charging emblem onto the display (ours is a 2021 model) Dometic UK can only e mail the factory and NOT speak to them ‍♂️♂️
And guess what, the factory has sent a new unit out which does not have the Lin 1 and Lin 2 ports.
Has anyone had to replace their charging unit and does anyone know that the Lin 1 port sends the message to the MBAC system? Any information will be gratefully appreciated.

many thanks


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