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Decision time! 250 v 220

Steve - H

Hi all,

can you help me make a decision! after much sesrching for our next camper I am about to take the plunge. Have two almost identical MP Horizon models in the running, one has the 190 PS engine the other has the 163

Now i'm no boy racer but do appreciate a reasonable bit of power for acceleration when required (sounds a bit boy racer!!) and as I still have to try the 163 ps version I seek your advice please.

My last camper was a 199PS Vdub T6 Ocean which delivered good results, however when I tested the 150 version that also performed quite well.

Any other tips for a newby MP fan would be appreciated. Oh and incase your wondering why I dont want the full Kitchen thing, never ussed it in the Ocean and prefer the room offered without a sink and hob stuck on the side!
Thanks in anticipation Steve
Hi Steve

I’m also new to the Marco Polo having bought mine earlier this year.

I specifically wanted the V250 having hired under powered VW Cali’s before. For me the extra hp makes a difference and the the drive has a more “car like” feel. My last motorway journey I got 44.1 mpg……

Cheers, Des.
Hi Steve,

Go with your heart, it is probably telling you V250 if you are even considering the question. If you go 220 you may regret it at some point but if you go 250 you won't as it is never going to be too powerful.

I may be wrong but I am fairly sure it is the same engine just different tuning
Hi Des & Steve and thank you both for the replies.

44 mpg, that is impressive Des, did you do 55 mph?

Steve you are right the 250 was my desire however the 220 has other qualities that make it a consideration. I wonder if you can get the engine remapped like the Vdub?

Anybody done it?
We had our hearts set on a 250 as we were going to use it to tow our 1450kg caravan on longer holidays.
After too long searching for one we bit the bullet and bought a 220.
We don’t regret it at all.
It’s more than powerful enough even with the caravan in tow.
We just drove,solo down to Spain. Cruising at 75 mph it averaged over 40 mpg.
We are delighted with it.
Hi Des & Steve and thank you both for the replies.

44 mpg, that is impressive Des, did you do 55 mph?

Steve you are right the 250 was my desire however the 220 has other qualities that make it a consideration. I wonder if you can get the engine remapped like the Vdub?

Anybody done it?
I'm sure you can get a 220 remapped but you will probably wave goodbye to any warranty

Why not try to get a couple of test drives to compare? While it is unlikely that you will get two MPs you may be able to get v-class or even eg a c-class if it is just to compare engine differences?
Thanks for that info, I am so pleased I asked. This first hand feedback is invaluable. Looking forward to getting back to Spain sometime, if not this year then next!
I'm sure you can get a 220 remapped but you will probably wave goodbye to any warranty

Why not try to get a couple of test drives to compare? While it is unlikely that you will get two MPs you may be able to get v-class or even eg a c-class if it is just to compare engine differences?
Thyats right Steve, I was just speaking to a MB dealer who said they cant sell remapped versions.
Hi Des & Steve and thank you both for the replies.

44 mpg, that is impressive Des, did you do 55 mph?

Steve you are right the 250 was my desire however the 220 has other qualities that make it a consideration. I wonder if you can get the engine remapped like the Vdub?

Anybody done it?
I was driving like "little Miss Daisy", as my wife put it...................... basically the speed limited including the motorway....
I was driving like "little Miss Daisy", as my wife put it...................... basically the speed limited including the motorway....
Thanks again that's impressive. Never got that in my T6, my old profile on the California owners website was Driving Miss Dipsi!
Personally I don’t regret having a 220 Horizon… if I had the option of a 220 or a 250 side by side at the same price then of course I would go for the 250… personally I think the bigger more important choice is the AMG or no AMG. If sourcing a 250 is messing with your plans and becoming troublesome forget it the 220 is perfectly capable and in no way underpowered.
Personally I don’t regret ha
ving a 220 Horizon… if I had the option of a 220 or a 250 side by side at the same price then of course I would go for the 250… personally I think the bigger more important choice is the AMG or no AMG. If sourcing a 250 is messing with your plans and becoming troublesome forget it the 220 is perfectly capable and in no way underpowered.
Thanks, that is good honest advice.
Only tested Sport models which seem to offer a decent spec and comfort level. I fear if I start looking at the AMG then I'll end up procrastinating even more. That said if one came up I would obviously consider it.
I have the 250 but my driving style has changes over the past few years and now the dizzy heights of 75 mph is about as far as I go! I test drove the 220 and found it fine, and we don't use the power of the 250 but liked the AMG style. The MP is not a throw around vehicle, so either would be fine, its just what look you want.
I have the 250 but my driving style has changes over the past few years and now the dizzy heights of 75 mph is about as far as I go! I test drove the 220 and found it fine, and we don't use the power of the 250 but liked the AMG style. The MP is not a throw around vehicle, so either would be fine, its just what look you want.
Thanks for the info Steve, I too have a more leisurely approach to driving since I retired.
2018 4-Matic 220 owner here in the foothills of the Italian Alps. I was concerned the 220 was going to be underpowered, but a little research cleared that up. I was, in a word, shocked at the pep this vehicle has. Pay less in the showroom, less at the pump with the 220. You won't regret it. OBTW, I unloaded my Audi TT and Volvo XC-90, both 3.2L gas burners when I got the MP. No regrets. And the two fur kids in the profile picture are most satisfied also. :)

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