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Dealer Pre-Reg Stock


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From time to time (to see what good a deal I got) I look at available ‘nearly new’ MP’s by searching for V Class on the official Mercedes website and then refining the search to Marco Polo. I had a look a couple of days ago and there were no V Class listed and therefore NO Marco Polos at all. Also, nothing listed on Autotrader. I just wonder if Mercedes have pulled all of the Marco Polo stock, new and nearly new, because of the ongoing emissions debacle. Can anyone throw any light on this missing stock?
Been phoning round this week to buy a stock MP. Some dealers have not returned my call from initial enquiry and one dealer explained they are on stop. This is why most have been pulled from the web. I noticed only today there are press releases on the new “concept Marco Polo” which I think is a coincidence. I think George’s assumption it could be to do with emissions is plausible. What I have gleaned is that either the dealers don’t know or if they do, they don’t want the customers to know the reason. Real shame as ready to buy.
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Yes I’d even made my mind up on one pre reg still online. Called first and told car was onsite. Visited dealer Tuesday, asked to see the advertised MP, was kept waiting 10 mins while a debate ensued in the back office, then they told me they couldn’t find the car and would be in touch. Called them the next day, left a message for the sales team to call back. Call centre chap said there was confusion with this specific car as it actually had not yet been registered. Eventually got a call back yesterday and was told the car was sold but for technical reasons they can’t seem to remove the ad off the web.

Called another dealer (Brooklands) who were very honest and told me they have three cars that they are unable to sell until further instruction.

My guess is it’s an emissions affected car, but I must admit I prefer the straight forward answer from Brooklands rather than being led along the garden path.

In contrast I’ve been offered many Cali Ocean’s and been sent sales vids of available unregistered stock. Trouble is we want a camper now and the MP pips the Cali for us and actually comes out cheaper when specced similar.

Didn’t think it would be so difficult to buy a new Merc :)

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