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Creature comforts

I like the spam comment (I was more of a Bacon Roll fan myself :p )...but how on earth does this tin key work on a shopping trolley!?!
Just poke the big end in the slot where you put your token/£1/1€ and it will unlock the trolley, give it a wiggle and it will come out and you can put it back in your pocket.
I suppose this is comforts for creatures:

Comfort for creatures 1.jpg

Headrest are an encumbrance, they're stored away in the loft. 14mm beech dowel, 'O' ring and black paint.

Comfort for creatures 2.jpg

Zip Line to restrain dog. Previous dog was bad traveler so was crated, which I much prefer safety wise. Present one is good and just sleeps, but I'm not sure what damage he would sustain in a collision wearing a harness attached to this.
Length is adjustable so can be used on the seat attached to seat belts, Plus I peg it out on site.

Comfort for creatures.jpg
....Zip Line to restrain dog. Previous dog was bad traveler so was crated, which I much prefer safety wise. Present one is good and just sleeps, but I'm not sure what damage he would sustain in a collision wearing a harness attached to this.
Length is adjustable so can be used on the seat attached to seat belts, Plus I peg it out on site....
We clip ours to the seat belt and his harness. I figured that in the event of an accident he will be better off with the harness rather than flying through the cabin or worse. I think a soft crate properly secured would be the safest option

Marco Polo Club
