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Command Online, can I enter my own POI


Active Member
I'm soon to take ownership of a Marco polo with Command Online.

I'd like to know if there is a way I can "bulk" load a number of POI into the navigation.

Let me explain...
Before I go on a driving trip I identify the GPS coordinates of destinations I'd like to visit (most of these locations are things like - a viewing place, or a bend in the river, or biggest ball of twine...... weird things like that).
I can get up to 100's of these points of interest per trip
I then typically have to enter each one into my phone's GPS by hand.
When I'm on the trip I look at my GPS and look for the closest NEXT place and go there.

My hope and wish is: is there a way to find all these GPS locations, create an excel/csv/... file and import them all to the command online system.

YES I do know that google maps has a similar feature - but it never really works like I want, and there are other issues that make this my current 3rd option.
I've created a workaround for Waze, but it's not fully there yet.


Marco Polo Club
