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Can someone please tell me what are the best WIPER BLADES for the Marco Polo 220D Sport..
I tend to use either Bosch or Valeo. The Halfords ones are OK at a push
I tend to use either Bosch or Valeo. The Halfords ones are OK at a push
I have in the past used viper blades but only 3 years on they have failed, so I won't use again.
Bosch for me always and I change them perhaps a bit more often than needed, a smeary winter front windscreen is no fun!
Bosch for me always and I change them perhaps a bit more often than needed, a smeary winter front windscreen is no fun!
Cheers matey, do Halfords fo them by any chance. Dave.
They should do - you get a decent saving with their motorists'club. As an alternative, try eurocarparts or autodoc (might be a delivery charge)
The genuine Mercedes ones are not bad and if you have a Mercedes Commercial dealer near you that are a very good price.
It seems that wiper blades don’t seem to last very long nowadays. We have a Horsebox that does about 2000 miles a year and I am forever replacing the wiper blades.

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