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Breakdown cover


Top Poster
During the handover at the dealers on Friday (lasted about 5 minutes) I forgot to ask about breakdown cover. Presumably it comes with some form of European cover. Can someone let me know the details of such cover? My MP was registered about six weeks ago.

Apologies for the barrage of questions - I hope I will be able to make a positive contribution on the forum when I’m up to speed on how things work.

Again many thanks for everyone who has posted helpful responses to my other posts.
Not as sure on this one, think it does come with some form of cover.
I insured via Comfort who offered euro breakdown for an extra £40-50 which we took as part of our insurance, the reason we opted for extra was that if we breakdown they will return us to our home in England if required
The mp comes with breakdown cover across eu. It may cover other countries but as we only went to France and Germany I didn’t look. The details were with the handbook and other manuals
The mp comes with breakdown cover across eu. It may cover other countries but as we only went to France and Germany I didn’t look. The details were with the handbook and other manuals

Thanks Katie. I should have looked!

Where are you in Dorset? I’m near Dorchester.

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