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Battery charger.


New Member
Hello everyone. I'm so happy o found this forum.
I mostly am happy with my marco polo 2008. However i have one issue that is bothering me.
When i connect to 240v my inner socket does have power, but on the display there is no icon that should be when you are conected to the electricity.
Also batteries does not get charged.
Anyone has any idea what this could be?
Also should the fridge and heater get the power from the 240v when conected? Because mine work from the battery power all the time.
Thank you for any help
Hi Leon,
We have had a similar issue after attending Torchlight Festival this year. There was a problem in the field we were camping in as we noticed people from the camping and Caravanning club milling around trying to sort things out. On our return we found that we were not charging once connected to 240v. After having it checked and diagnosed, we found our charger unit had been fried!!! The camping and Caravanning club have been great up to now about it all but have not yet submitted our bill as the charger from Dometic has to be built in Germany and we
Will only get delivery of
It late October‍♂️♂️
So I would have it checked out by a professional and GOD knows why there is NO surge protector between the hook up point and the charger unit as that gets blown before the system actually trips!! Bit backward if you ask me ‍♂️♂️
Hey Paul n jo
Thanks for your reply. I did suspect something like a failed charger and i think you are right. I'v checked every fuse i could think of. All the wires i could see and think of. Eventualy i hooked another charger to leasure battery, so that when i'm on 240V i can charge the batery from the inside socket.
I would buy a new original charger but to be honest, i did not search for one. Any idea where could i get one for Viano Mp 2008 ?
And it is weird that there is no protection for over voltage. I now wonder when did this happen to me... it could be anywhere god knows... whell it is what it is. I hope you get your charger soon, and if you know where to get one for my MP please let me know
Thank you
Hi once again Leon,
You will have to remove the charger unit which mine was under the fridge. Once it’s removed you will be able to see the manufacturer ‘Dometic’ or a n other and all the serial numbers and model numbers and SKU numbers should be able to lead you in the right Direction.
If it’s Dometic, then contact Dometic UK and ask for a guy called Matthew Metcalf as that who I dealt with and he was brilliant!
let me know how you get on
Sorry Leon,
Previous to that we also had a problem with the 240v system not charging only a week after we bought it and yet the previous owners(friends of ours) had NO problems at all. It turned out to be the main plug socket where you plug into the van, at the back of the socket it was a dirty/loose terminal wire and was a simple fix.



Marco Polo Club
