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Ad Blue Malfunction and engine light


Any one had this isssue.
Ad blue is full.
Light came on and took to local garage - diagnostics said Ad blue and NOX sensor issue. Reset light went out. 50 miles later and message came up and 20 miles later light came on.
Ad tank is full. Local garage says lots of Mercedes have had similar issues and to contact dealer to see if they can resolve as a known fault. Our local dealer is really unhelpful.
Don’t mind travelling to get sorted. We are based in Yorkshire.

Has anyone had any similar issues? Any advise? Anyone had a helpful Mercedes Dealer who have been supportive with a similar issue.

Due to go away soon so really bad timing. Worried I. Case engine stops working whilst we are away.

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Not had this or can't recall anyone mentioning it previously. This is just a V-class issue so not sure why a dealer wouldn't help?
I've not had this or seen either. A little googling suggests there are a number of possible causes from NOX sensor failure to the Ad Blue pump or heater failing. It needs a dealer or Merc specialist to diagnose. SteveB is correct this is pure V Class / Vito stuff so not beyond any dealer to diagnose once they have the fault codes read from the vehicle. I think the 485 miles warning means no restart after that distance - but that is hearsay from research.
I’ve had a similar adblue issue. I think it was caused by a loose wire under the driver’s seat. I ended up having to pay Mercedes to fix, circa £500, despite protesting strongly that it was a common fault. Have not and will not use Mercedes dealerships again. Have found a good alternative Mercedes specialist.

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