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5th seat....

Hi all I’m just about to collect my new MP and wondered has anyone fitted the double seat from either the V class or MP horizon? How easy is it to do? We sometimes need to take 6 in total day to day so no need to camp with 6 seats. Does anyone have any pics of them fitted? Any help appreciated.
hi P.G
I had the same idea as you as some time i need to carry 6 people, i even asked one of the mp specilist in mb dealership, he confirmed to me the v class rear two seat bench will fit in using two rail and you can find one from ebay, i would put them facing the current rear seat so both seat can be reached and they can have a table while facing each other, but you probably cant open the corner cupboard.

I haven't have my car yet (it's tomorrow!), can't be sure if this will work.

Hi Liven,

Have you any pics of the extra 2 seats fitted and is it a case of just clipping/sliding them straight in?
Thanks John
We considered this for our horizon to change it from a 5 seater to a 6/7 seater on regular days. The rails are standard so in theory yes you could add in a vclass additional seat but your insurance would be invalid as the log book states the passenger seating capacity.
If it is children's seating you could look into seeing if a multimac is able to be fitted to the bench seat (may not be when the bench is on rails) and make it a 3 seater. We have one of these in our car and they are bulky to remove (although so is seat to put in and out). Best of luck.
I was beaten to the punch for a mp it had three rails and although the additional single seat wasn’t in the car when I viewed it it was in storage in the sellers garage. Heavy thing to move in and out by yourself.
Hi Roo.
Thanks for the reply and confirming the rails. Our 4 kids are from 12-16 so it's the extra bench that I'd like to try, and maybe fit into the MP just occasionally. I'm hoping someone that's done it before has pics of the 6 seats fitted. We pick out MP up this wk so will be after a double seat in Lugano cream beige leather if I can find one.
Tankie, If you find yourself heading North Devon direction, you'd be welcome to try a 2 seater bench out of my V-Class in your MP.
They are blooming heavy though, so it is not something you would just "pop in and out", does need a bit more consideration and a two person lift and ideally plenty of maneuvering space. Lot easier in a V-Class with twin side doors. They're also very bulky to store when not fitted.

The V-Class 2 seater benches also have 3 lumps of metal on the left hand side to allow the single seat to hang off. These protrude 65mm to the left from the centre line of the rail. Worth checking that they wouldn't interfere with the cabinets in the MP.
Clearest view of the 'lumps' is about 2:10 in this >

Cheers, Pete.
Hi Pete much appreciated for the video. I could always take a trip away to try the seat. Where abouts are you? I see what you mean about the bits protruding. I’m about to trade my 8 seater tourneo custom for the MP. The double seats in that are about 70 kg so used to shifting them around. If they do fit I’ll just need to find some beige leather seats.
You're welcome to take a trip up if you decide you want to physically confirm a V-class one will fit before looking to buy one. I'm in Barnstaple area. Just let me know as and when if you do....
I have a 5th seat (black) and a 3 rail installed from factory, if someone is interested I would be willing to sell including the 3rd rail, but we would have to swap floor lining too in order to have it rightly installed.signal-2023-04-22-18-16-50-792-5.jpg
Hi Andy im exploring the 5th seat option too for a 2018 MP AMG Black leather - what are the options you appear qualified - do you mean that another rail canb be installed to acept a single seat - very grateful for any hints!
If anyone has a spare single seat going, I would be interested. I have the Horizon, so 3rd rail not a problem!

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