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Let’s talk toilets


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So, where do you all store your porta potti for travelling? In the boot area or leave it on the floor, if so how do you secure it.
Also if using the lower bed is there still room or do we need to get a toilet tent. Is it a better option to use the upper bed so one can go downstairs for the inevitable nocturnal visit.?
Sorry for such basic questions but this is all new to us.
It depends on if you already have one. Can't comment on the use of a porta potti as we tend to stay on sites with facilities, so we don't have one. As its usually me up in the night (beer doesn't help) I just have the 'Travel John' at the ready and dispose of in the morning. If camping with my mates; they think i'm posh/not eco friendly as they all use a comfort fabric softener plastic bottle, very reusable!
That's where I put my potti. Noticed it's strapped in otherwise it will slide about when driving. No problem using it with lower bed in place.
One tip about using the potti in the night time. Don't lock the MP with the key fob or let it self lock. That sets the alarm. Movement in the van, like going to the loo, sets the alarm off. Happened to me, to the great annoyance of the "neighbours". Lock the van with the internal switch on the door opener.


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We managed to pick up the Westfalia Porta Potti storage box secondhand. It doubles up as a stool / seat in general use.

It fastens to the seat rail. We actually use it for more storage and keep our Porta Potti in the boot !!

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Like Steve B I’m a bloke who sometimes has to get up in the night to get rid of last night’s beer. A pee bottle costing about four pounds was one of my first and most cost effective purchases. It came with a “she wee” attachment which my my wife threw away saying she wouldn’t ever use it.
My children are more “back to nature” and commented that by buying something akin to a bed bottle I was me just preparing fo old age.
For several years we have had an Thetford 335 porta potti which is kept in the back as insurance. It has never been used until this year when some facilities were closed and we were more circumspect about hygiene in facilities anyway. The porta potti was promoted to the cabin and kept discretely under a Dunelm ottoman (another best buy for a tenner) which doubles as a footstool.
It does tend to slide around on the carpet my driving is too exuberant. I don’t want a permanent fixing so am interested how others may have overcome it going walkabout. Velcro on the bottom was suggested by one of my wierd friends.
Like Steve B I’m a bloke who sometimes has to get up in the night to get rid of last night’s beer. A pee bottle costing about four pounds was one of my first and most cost effective purchases. It came with a “she wee” attachment which my my wife threw away saying she wouldn’t ever use it.
My children are more “back to nature” and commented that by buying something akin to a bed bottle I was me just preparing fo old age.
For several years we have had an Thetford 335 porta potti which is kept in the back as insurance. It has never been used until this year when some facilities were closed and we were more circumspect about hygiene in facilities anyway. The porta potti was promoted to the cabin and kept discretely under a Dunelm ottoman (another best buy for a tenner) which doubles as a footstool.
It does tend to slide around on the carpet my driving is too exuberant. I don’t want a permanent fixing so am interested how others may have overcome it going walkabout. Velcro on the bottom was suggested by one of my wierd friends.
Like Steve B I’m a bloke who sometimes has to get up in the night to get rid of last night’s beer. A pee bottle costing about four pounds was one of my first and most cost effective purchases. It came with a “she wee” attachment which my my wife threw away saying she wouldn’t ever use it.
My children are more “back to nature” and commented that by buying something akin to a bed bottle I was me just preparing fo old age.
For several years we have had an Thetford 335 porta potti which is kept in the back as insurance. It has never been used until this year when some facilities were closed and we were more circumspect about hygiene in facilities anyway. The porta potti was promoted to the cabin and kept discretely under a Dunelm ottoman (another best buy for a tenner) which doubles as a footstool.
It does tend to slide around on the carpet my driving is too exuberant. I don’t want a permanent fixing so am interested how others may have overcome it going walkabout. Velcro on the bottom was suggested by one of my wierd friends.
As shown in my photo I used a strap which hooks through the base of the passenger seat to hold the potti in place. Don't think velcro will do it.
Mine is in the cupboard underneath the hob - just get it out at night
To be honest I've used it more on day trips when there is nowhere else nearby
Mine is in the cupboard underneath the hob - just get it out at night
To be honest I've used it more on day trips when there is nowhere else nearby
Just expanded your photo Askho, and looked at the strap. A much better solution.
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Thanks for all of the replies, lots of good ideas. We ended up buying a Thetford Qube which for now will live in the boot and will bring into the van at night.
Good to know there’s room for it to sit at the end of the bed as that was one of our concerns.
Keep the loo in the boot and bring it forward at night. Found the Thetford cube to be very useful when staying in urban areas, such as municipal camping car Aires. Strapping it in the cabin is a good idea!

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Mine is in the cupboard underneath the hob - just get it out at night
To be honest I've used it more on day trips when there is nowhere else nearby

Mine is there too, wedged in with loo rolls.

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Mine is in the cupboard underneath the hob - just get it out at night
To be honest I've used it more on day trips when there is nowhere else nearby
Hi Steve, Hi RFT,

I am just measuring up to purchase a Porta Loo and the Thetford 335 measures in at 382mm deep....although my measurement of the front to back of the under hob cupboard is just 295mm....I wondered which model of portable toilet's you both have?
Mine is there too, wedged in with loo rolls.

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Hi Steve, Hi RFT,

I am just measuring up to purchase a Porta Loo and the Thetford 335 measures in at 382mm deep....although my measurement of the front to back of the under hob cupboard is just 295mm....I wondered which model of portable toilet's you both have?

Don’t know if this photo helps !! Thetford Cube 335 Porta Potti hidden in cupboard under gas cooker !!

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I have never been too keen on having a porta potti near to food etc. especially as it cuts down on storage space. Mrs Epigram much prefers to have pots pans and God knows what rattling around in the cupboard instead. However, each to their own. One thing, wherever you choose to store it, don't bother to buy the Thetford storage bag, it is unnecessarily large to accommodate the larger toilets in their range.
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Hi Steve, Hi RFT,

I am just measuring up to purchase a Porta Loo and the Thetford 335 measures in at 382mm deep....although my measurement of the front to back of the under hob cupboard is just 295mm....I wondered which model of portable toilet's you both have?
Sorry for late reply.
Yes, as others have said, Thetford 335 and still room for chemicals and loo roll etc. You just have to remove one shelf and it fits fine. Tight fit but that's a good thing given what you could potentially be transporting! :)
Hi My 335 seems a bit tight, I might have to shave a bit of plastic from the side of porta potti, to give a bit of clearance

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