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EHU/Water Filler cover

Paul Mc

Active Member
My EHU/water filler cover isn’t snapping closed on the lower left hand side.
I’ve never been happy with the flimsiness of this cover and consider the design unfit for purpose.
Other MP owners complain that the flap opens when they driving along motorways.
Has anyone ever had to replace this cover or fitted a stronger one?
The van is only one year old!
I’m assuming 288030210192 is the part number, which is engraved on the lid.
12 months old? It will be under warranty, take it back and make a claim.. MB should fix it and if your not happy with the repair repeat the process. We have had no issues with the MB warrantee.. all issues fixed no question.
Yes, but will the replacement be any better?
Has anyone else had this part replaced?
The design of this cover needs to be improved!
Is the cover missing for the electrical plug? We don’t have electrical hookup on the horizon..

maybe there are better hookup interfaces on the market, it’s not like MB have cornered the market.
The Electric Hook Up plug doesn’t have a separate cover. The main flap just covers the water filler and EHU.
My EHU cover has come complete off. I have bought the OEM repair kit from my local Merc dealer. It contains the 2 pins and 2 springs. I can see in the photo above the pins and the right hand spring, but cannot for the life of me figure out how it is supposed to go back together. I don't suppose anyone has any idea or can post more detailed pictures of this assembly? Thanks Iain.
My EHU cover has come complete off. I have bought the OEM repair kit from my local Merc dealer. It contains the 2 pins and 2 springs. I can see in the photo above the pins and the right hand spring, but cannot for the life of me figure out how it is supposed to go back together. I don't suppose anyone has any idea or can post more detailed pictures of this assembly? Thanks Iain.
Did you fix yours? I wonder if the springs are broken or mispositioned on mine. Do you have any reassembly description? Thanks
I heated up the two small latch thingies in the cover with a heat gun (hair dryer might do) and bent them out so they made better contact with the 'socket' part of the housing.
My EHU/water filler cover isn’t snapping closed on the lower left hand side.
I’ve never been happy with the flimsiness of this cover and consider the design unfit for purpose.
Other MP owners complain that the flap opens when they driving along motorways.
Has anyone ever had to replace this cover or fitted a stronger one?
The van is only one year old!
I’m assuming 288030210192 is the part number, which is engraved on the lid.
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Mine does exactly the same thing, people flag me down about it. I'm looking forward to someone having a solution!
FYI. I had my cover replaced under warrantee but sadly it was replaced with the same part which over the next 2 years has now also started to fail. Its a design issue and needs a rethink by MB/Westfhalia - (so not going to happen I suspect). Mean while I'm trying all sorts of basic ideas to hold a flap closed but where access is required frequently. I'll update again if I find something that works and is non destructive to the flap. Meanwhile now out of warranty and the warranty on the replaced part, I'm trying again with MB to get it replaced.- Bit of a rinse repeat process I fear at best :-(

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