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Marco Polo Insurance Coverage with MPV classification


New Member
Hi All

Apologies for starting a new thread on this but couldn't find anything specifically about insurance coverage when the vehicle is classed as an MPV on the V5.

We are due to have a face-lift Marco Polo delivered at the end of this month but cannot get clarity on the insurance situation when the vehicle is now classified as an MPV rather than a motorhome. I understand there are benefits and downsides to having the vehicle classified as an MPV but my main concern is insurance coverage for the motorhome type equipment in the case of an accident OR worst case scenario; a cooking fire etc.

I have read there is a process to appeal the vehicle classification but from doing research, pretty much all of these appeals are denied.

How is everyone else with an MP with MPV V5 classification dealing with the insurance situation and the amount of coverage over the motorhome features?

Thanks in advance.

It’s a production vehicle as supplied from the manufacturer I can’t see it being a issue.. all the motor home bits are OEM..
As far as the DVLA is concerned, if you look on their website, the MP is a motor home and not an MPV. I had my MP reclassified after explaining the nature of the vehicle and sending them the photos they requested. I have my MP both classified and insured as a motor home. Having it classified as an MPV and then using it as a motor home may result in problems if you make a claim. The vehicle on which the MP is based is indeed an MPV but all the add ons installed by Wesphalia changes that. When you bought your MP did you buy it on the basis of it being an MPV or a motorhome?
Incidentally, if you have not already done so you may wish to ask Comfort insurance for a quote. My policy with them is through Aviva and is very competitive.
Hi Eric / Method

Thanks for the replies. Glad to hear that at least one person has had a positive result on reclassifying. Maybe this will be the best option to go down but I have heard of numerous people with MP's and Cali's that they were unsuccessful


As I said if you call the DVLA and quote to them their very own classification of what constitutes a motor home there should be no problem. I sent a letter with photos as back-up, I received my new V5C a week or so later.
As I said if you call the DVLA and quote to them their very own classification of what constitutes a motor home there should be no problem. I sent a letter with photos as back-up, I received my new V5C a week or so later.
Did you get a tax refund? Motor home road tax is cheaper is it not?

I still debate that This will effect your insurance claim. I have a horizon, clearly not a motor home but the rear seat, curtains and pop up roof are all part of the conversion. It’s not a MPV because it will only seat 5. It’s not a motor home because it has no stove and whatnot so what is it?
When I bought the vehicle it came pre-taxed but its something I will look into. I let you know the result.

A Horizon, according to the DVLA, check their website, is not a motorhome as it lacks, cooker, water tank, table, fridge, etc, as to what it is...you tell me!
Exactly, my point being it’s not a standard V- Class and it’s not a motorhome but it is a standard production vehicle from MB. what is there to quibble over? It’s not like a VW where most campers are 3rd party or DIY conversions.
I think who does the motorhome conversion is a rather moot point whether it's Wesphalia or Bilbo etc. I don't, think it matters. What does matter is how the DVLA describes vehicles and thats what we have to go by.
I think we are talking about two different things here... you about the DVLA classification and me about making a insurance claim. I don’t disagree with you on the DVLA stuff but cannot see how this effects insurance coverage... of the MP

Now if I had converted my own V-Class or Veto then almost certainly there is room for slippery insurance companies to wriggle out. Unless of course it had the DVLA motorhome class.
I think what you have to do, what I did, is clarify the deal with your insurance company, so they know exactly what they are insuring and you know exactly what you're covered for.
Hi All

Apologies for starting a new thread on this but couldn't find anything specifically about insurance coverage when the vehicle is classed as an MPV on the V5.

We are due to have a face-lift Marco Polo delivered at the end of this month but cannot get clarity on the insurance situation when the vehicle is now classified as an MPV rather than a motorhome. I understand there are benefits and downsides to having the vehicle classified as an MPV but my main concern is insurance coverage for the motorhome type equipment in the case of an accident OR worst case scenario; a cooking fire etc.

I have read there is a process to appeal the vehicle classification but from doing research, pretty much all of these appeals are denied.

How is everyone else with an MP with MPV V5 classification dealing with the insurance situation and the amount of coverage over the motorhome features?

Thanks in advance.

I totally understand you frustration I have a 2019 Marco Polo sport with factory fitted kitchen with mpv log book , for the first few month the vehicle was added on to my admiral multi insurance but now that is due for renewal, I have spoken to dvla and a few insurance companies regarding this matter and have decided to go with comfort insurance, both the insurance and dvla confirm that my vehicle classification is right and this is why - because the vehicle was made by Mercedes and is a v-class car it doesn’t need to be changed , it would only need to be changed if the maker and the converter where different , and comfort insurance accept this and will insurance it as is , this is a new rule thing that has just come out hence some older Marco Polo have been allowed to change, dvla will not allow you to change it now , as for road tax there is no difference in price as for insurance I would advise going to a motor home insurance firing as it will be a lot cheaper to insurance but do tell them and most will know the new dvla rules , as for euro tunnel and ferry’s you are classed as a car and not a motor home meaning in most case it’s cheaper to travel, in my honest opinion we have the best of both worlds just remember talk to you insurance and make sure they have the right vehicle down, my insurance cost £350 for a year with comfort insurance
I’ve just insured my Marco Polo Sport with Comfort who I found very easy to deal with.
The guy I spoke to told me they wouldn’t insure Horizons, but had no problems with the Mpv classification
I took out my insurance last year with comfort who asked that I subsequently arrange to have it reclassified from MPV to motor home. I tried with a letterfrom the merc dealer but to no avail, with DVLA saying they needed a letter from the manufacturer. On trying to get that the dealer said all MPs are in fact registered as MPVs. Anyway on renewal (now due) comfort tell me if I can't get it reclassified as a motor home to reclassify it as a "van with Windows". From this thread though it looks like comfort are giving me a hard time!!
I’ve just insured my Marco Polo Sport with Comfort who I found very easy to deal with.
The guy I spoke to told me they wouldn’t insure Horizons, but had no problems with the Mpv classification
Erm... our Horizon is insured with comfort. No issues when arranging, they just asked for the reg number and quoted as normal.
I took out my insurance last year with comfort who asked that I subsequently arrange to have it reclassified from MPV to motor home. I tried with a letterfrom the merc dealer but to no avail, with DVLA saying they needed a letter from the manufacturer. On trying to get that the dealer said all MPs are in fact registered as MPVs. Anyway on renewal (now due) comfort tell me if I can't get it reclassified as a motor home to reclassify it as a "van with Windows". From this thread though it looks like comfort are giving me a hard time!!
Looks like this issue is still unresolved. I bought an MP Sport back in April and noticed it was described as an MPV on the V5C. I contacted DVLA and they asked me to send photographs of all the features that they consider represents classification as a Motor home, see the DVLA website, beds, cooker, fridge, table, sink, etc. On receipt of the photos, they sent me a new V5C with my Marco Polo classified as a Motor Home. After all, that is what it is marketed as and as a competitor to the VW. I have it insured with Comfort as a Motor Home.
Looks like this issue is still unresolved. I bought an MP Sport back in April and noticed it was described as an MPV on the V5C. I contacted DVLA and they asked me to send photographs of all the features that they consider represents classification as a Motor home, see the DVLA website, beds, cooker, fridge, table, sink, etc. On receipt of the photos, they sent me a new V5C with my Marco Polo classified as a Motor Home. After all, that is what it is marketed as and as a competitor to the VW. I have it insured with Comfort as a Motor Home.
To be honest it's not Comforts problem as all they can do is go by what you have on your V5C, it's really up to you to argue the case with the DVLA, forget about the dealer, the people you have to convince is the DVLA, and by their own description of what constitutes a Motor home.....a Marco Polo is a Motor Home...if it quacks like a duck etc....
Looks like this issue is still unresolved. I bought an MP Sport back in April and noticed it was described as an MPV on the V5C. I contacted DVLA and they asked me to send photographs of all the features that they consider represents classification as a Motor home, see the DVLA website, beds, cooker, fridge, table, sink, etc. On receipt of the photos, they sent me a new V5C with my Marco Polo classified as a Motor Home. After all, that is what it is marketed as and as a competitor to the VW. I have it insured with Comfort as a Motor Home.

Glad could do it, but I’m surprised.
On the California forum a lot of members have been told anything with a pop top ain’t a Motorhome
DVLA are very inconsistent to say the least! They refused to reclassify my MP stating that it needed to have the outward appearance of a motor caravan event though I pointed out to them that their own guidance did not state this and that their criteria as published was fully complied with. However, my insurer, through Advance Insurance Agencies, were happy to accept a policy on the same terms as if it had been reclassified. DVLA did admit they were inconsistent when faced with a number of specific points that I raised with them but still wouldn't reclassify.

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