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Using the music system with ignition off


Active Member
Is there anyway the vehicles stereo and good speakers can be used when the engine is not running or running on the normal battery so it cuts out ? Can a switch be fitted to use the auxiliary power when you hook up ? seems a shame that the system is only used when the engine is running or driving?
thoughts and ideas welcome
Yes you can but I can't recall how. Am away in the Bus this weekend so will try and find out what I did that last time!
It may depend on your MY and spec but this is how I do it (21 plate MBUX with 'high end audio' upgrade)....

Use MBUX app to turn on sound system Bluetooth. You will then need to connect to 'jenhert BT' or similar on you phone. This is different and in addition to any MBAC/MBUX BT connections you may have previously established. Once done the first time it should pick up this connection automatically thereafter.

Relax to the sounds of Bob Marley/Brahms/whatever tickles your fancy.

Side note: although this works reliably for me, the connection seems to be interrupted when a door is opened. No idea if this is a weird glitch or by design to avoid it being left on and running the battery down when leaving the van.

Hope this brings success... It took me a while to figure it out myself!
Thanks for the response and detail . Unfortunately I’ve got a 19 plate MP, the audio system is the older version. Bizarrely and somewhat disappointingly not even DAB ..
I’m unsure of the costs of upgrading a complete system. Sadly, you can’t even add the feature.
it’s just a shame that as I see it I have a great sound system but can only use it when the engines running or running off the main battery.
thanks though for your help
Thanks for the response and detail . Unfortunately I’ve got a 19 plate MP, the audio system is the older version. Bizarrely and somewhat disappointingly not even DAB ..
I’m unsure of the costs of upgrading a complete system. Sadly, you can’t even add the feature.
it’s just a shame that as I see it I have a great sound system but can only use it when the engines running or running off the main battery.
thanks though for your help
OK - my 1st was a 19 plate with COMAND (the standard version was Audio 15 with the Garmin Nav). If it's COMAND, you can add both Android audio/CarPlay and DAB as separate packages. it's a bit fiddly and if you're not happy about opening/removing trim, it's best left to a specialist (COMAND on-line is but one). Now have a 22-plate with MBUX.

My current system (and I think the COMAND) will work with the ignition switch off by long-pressing the on-off button on the right hand side of the rotary controller - about 4 secs seems to work. Yes it's off the main battery but when you're on EHU it's not a issue.
Hope that helps.
Many tales on here of disbelief with the DAB saga, owners past and present! £60k+ car at the time with no DAB, the MB response was 'it was a bit difficult to mount an aerial because of the fibreglass roof', seem to have managed it now though! It still bugs me that I have fiddle with a phone connection to get DAB and can't change anything whilst driving as its dangerous and illegal. Still happy with the MP though, so just a whinge :)
I have a 19 plate. As mentioned above the stereo works fine on an electric hook up - just press the on/off button beside the dial. If you’re not connected to a hook up it should warn you to turn off the stereo to stop the battery running too low.
I have a 2021 model - when the key is in the ignition, but no motor is running, I can use the sound system. I'm not sure how long I can do this without the battery running down, but I've done 4hour sessions with no problem...

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