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Fitted Rear Seat Covers

Paul Hellawell

New Member
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I just got these after looking at various solutions to protect the rear seat from my dogs who have claimed it for their bed! I'm really impressed and compared to Brandrup accessories they are great value at €156.75 delivered (£144 at time of purchase). I imagine the front seat covers are good too but haven't decided about those yet. It was a mission to fit them, needs two people (one in the back to guide the fasteners through) and you need to remove the drawer and through loading panel to get the fixings in place, but in my opinion well worth the effort. They are available in more colours and materials than you can shake a stick at but I went for black 'PU leather' for easy wiping. The instructions are German but they are intuitive enough and the website FAQ's are all you need. I ordered them here: https://www.ukatex-autositzbezuege....tleder-schwarz-Kunstleder-schwarz-15-Aufpreis
I just got mine, ordered after I saw yours :) I've fitted the rear ones (and all the headrests and armrests) but haven't gotten around to fit the front covers yet (bought a complete set). I tried to fit the front ones the other day but I can't believe how difficult it was. I think I will have to remove and partially disassemble the seats... The rear covers was a breeze compared to the front ones!
Small update to this one.

I found out how to attach the backrest part for the front seats, and it fits really neatly now. Now I just gotta figure out (find the time to figure out, that is) how to properly attach the lower part for the front seats and I'm done

The fitment of these things are amazing actually. I am super happy with the products, and I'm contemplating buying the cover for the rear bed also.