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How long do we have to wait for our request to be actioned.
Hi , Can you send me your mobile and I will give you a call later today. I am interested thanks
I bought mine in 2021 August up until now it is totally frustrating with the service for Mercedes I have also a trip round Europe in 2 weeks time!
So sorry to hear your Honeymoon was spoilt with the roof not working.I just hope this module they hope to get will fix the problem.
Hope this helps will let you know.
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13 days at Mercedes garage still no Module have waited 3 month so have to cancel 2 Month trip to Europe.Hope nobody has to go though with bad service on a new Marco Polo!
Avoid all Merc Garages, they will rip you off.
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Reactions: Carol
Hi James , 100% interested in yours too, my number is 07765556635 if you want to give me yours we can have a chat , and come to some kind of deal, I would be happy to put a holding deposit on it until you are ready to sell.
Hi Mike,
Yes please drop me a line and would love to see more of your van .
Please give me a call . 07765556635