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Where are all the Marco Polos?


I’ve been touring the UK for three weeks now and have yet to see a MP. Plenty of Californias, but nary a Benz. Heading South from Scotland to Wales, hoping for better sightings...

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There's at least one less on the road ! As a excited new owner last Wednesday we went to show family and friends but when going to put roof down nothing but warning alarms? After several attempts at button sequence ignition on/off it came down and we said to ourselves must be us getting it wrong ( sure we followed procedure ). Its Thursday (take the 2 days off work) so we go off on our first outing to the coast, we set up but . the roof will not go up??? Have to sleep on bottom bunk!!! I decide to leave family to go and get it checked by Mercedes (1 1/2hr drive) on Friday. Sadly our MP is still sat there not even been looked at let alone fixed. Mercedes staff apologize a lot but still no action!
There's at least one less on the road ! As a excited new owner last Wednesday we went to show family and friends but when going to put roof down nothing but warning alarms? After several attempts at button sequence ignition on/off it came down and we said to ourselves must be us getting it wrong ( sure we followed procedure ). Its Thursday (take the 2 days off work) so we go off on our first outing to the coast, we set up but . the roof will not go up??? Have to sleep on bottom bunk!!! I decide to leave family to go and get it checked by Mercedes (1 1/2hr drive) on Friday. Sadly our MP is still sat there not even been looked at let alone fixed. Mercedes staff apologize a lot but still no action!

Sorry to hear. We bought ours in Portugal, thus were able to get the manual roof. Manual tailgate as well, as we have a bike carrier. Good luck - probably easily fixed by someone who knows at the dealership

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I didn't have the link for this, another web site to spend time on!! Looking for cars of my past....

Marco Polo Club
