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VIP Member
I am aware of warnings on other forums about muggers who damage tyres at toll booths in Spain and then rob van owners when they pull up by the road. We have just travelled down through France to Spain and crossed the border south of Perpignon. We stopped at the 1st service station on the A9 / AP7 for a comfort break, it was vitually deserted. Immediately 3 black cars containing perhaps 10 young men pulled up, one immediately behind me. One guy got out and pointed to my rear wheel and then knocked on the wondow. He claimed the tyre was flat and asked if he could check it. When I said no he continued to try and take off the dust cap. I immediately drove forwards, happily there was a way out but it was clear this guy was up to no good. He was continually looking over his shoulder at the other men in the cars, all of whom were quite threatening. The tyres were all OK of course and I could check the pressures from within the cabin.

I am sure that we were about to have our tyres damages and thenpossibly robbed. Please be alert at this service station, which is not v busy and whichis immediately on the Spanish side of the border.


Marco Polo Club
