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Tyre pressures



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Mercedes Me tells me one tyre pressure but when I check with a pressure gauge they are not the same. I have tried two different pressure gauges and neither match the Mercedes Me. Which is correct ?
There could be a fault in either. I suggest you visit a garage forecourt and use their pump to measure the tyre pressures and hopefully this should be a close match to one of those and you can work out which is giving you the wrong pressure reading.
Anyone have gradual loss of pressure over a relatively short period in more than one tyre? Seen with new tyres and checked all the usual - internal valve tightness. Been getting worse over the past two years. Something rarely experienced previously with cars
I had very gradual pressure loss a on the front near side tyre, this was about 2 or 3 months ago. Checked the tyre and saw a thin piece of silver in the tread so assumed it was a nail and had a slow puncture. Took it to the garage and the tyre was fine, it was a cracked alloy wheel. The garage contacted a local specialist and put the spare on (what a faff!) as the tyre was off the wheel. It was fixed (£130) and tyre back on, all fine since. Ours is a daily driver so runs through winter and the pot holes, you can't check for it but a very slow pressure loss could be the alloy.
By way of an update went to Mercedes garage and they found leak in the valve seating onto the alloy with the good old water and washing up liquid test (as we did as kids on bicycle inner tubes for punctures). 3 out of 4 tyres affected and all work done under warranty.