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Thule wind out awning mould



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Sadly on our most recent outing that our Thule wind out awning has some mould spots on the top and underside.

it must have been put away damp at some point.

Does anyone have any hints or tips for stuff to clean it and any advice how to actually clean it, especially the top side.

I had the same a couple of years back and used the Thule PVC cleaner which did a great job. Nothing has reappeared.

I don’t have any particular advice on cleaning it other than step ladders and long arms which worked for me. I remember using a brush handle to get to the very middle.

Good luck!
Coincidence; found the same thing last weekend, must have been a bit damp when rolled in the previous time. I was just going to roll it out this weekend and use a kitchen surface cleaner on it, it was knowingly put away damp again as we had some heavy rain last Saturday
We have some bathroom mould spray in the house. I might give that a go before I search down the Thule cleaner stuff.

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