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The long wait begins

I have just had a thought if the car is unregistered will it be fully covered by you insurance. If it is not the I make the dealer cover the vehicle whilst it is parked up.
It is disappointing that you cannot use it. Could you ask the dealer to see if there is a vehicle in stock that you can borrow or do they have a demonstrator.
Also the warranty normally starts when you pick up the car. I would ask for the warranty to be restarted from the day that you can use it. If that is not possible then I would be asking for an extended warranty.
If the dealership is not willing to help then contact the dealer principle and have a chat with them about returning the vehicle as it is not fit for purpose.
Hope this helps and I hope you get it sorted out soon.
At last it is sorted registered and taxed :) at least before the weather broke as well :)
After some blunt emails and giving MB UK a pointed stick in the rump via twitter, I've finally got a sensible-sounding delivery forecast - by 14 October so that's a year wait...
After some blunt emails and giving MB UK a pointed stick in the rump via twitter, I've finally got a sensible-sounding delivery forecast - by 14 October so that's a year wait...
Often get some warm weather in mid October, you can use the MP all year but good weather is a bonus.
Often get some warm weather in mid October, you can use the MP all year but good weather is a bonus.
Absolutely - the plan is to head up to Northumberland for a few days (albeit at the end of the month) - assuming the thing arrives!
Have put down an initial deposit for a new MP - it's a leap of faith because I've not been able to test drive or hire one to see how I get on. The order is currently a 220 Sport in Blue Metallic but I do wonder what I will end up with by the time that a build slot is available. From what I'm told it will be a good few weeks before I get an indicative lead-time with an expected wait of 12mths+ (my money is on 18 mths) before delivery.

Still the deposit is fully refundable should I change my mind or if I can bag a nearly-new one....
Hi… we are in much same position, we ordered and paid deposit June 2021 and still waiting. We’re meant to pick up last Thursday but still in factory not sure why. New date we have been given is 10th November, so everything crossed for then. I think we are beginning to think it will come when it comes!! I am sure it will be worth the wait, we too chose this over a VW California.
So here it is...sort of! It pitched up on Fri 8 Oct. Pre-delivery inspection to be completed and then a wait for DVLA to register it (they have had the paperwork for over a week) and tax it. I have a local valter on standby to ceramic coat just before delivery. Not making any plans until I have the keys in my sticky mitts!
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Hi… we are in much same position, we ordered and paid deposit June 2021 and still waiting. We’re meant to pick up last Thursday but still in factory not sure why. New date we have been given is 10th November, so everything crossed for then. I think we are beginning to think it will come when it comes!! I am sure it will be worth the wait, we too chose this over a VW California.
If it helps, I made it very clear (in writing) that I was very disappointed that they couldn't tell me where the vehicle was and told them to pull their collective fingers out to provide me with a credible date. I also sent a tweet to MB Customer Service, got an acknowledgement and then within 2 days had an update from the dealer than that the vehicle would with them within 10 days (coincidence?).

The reality is that the dealership staff simply look at the computer and don't bother to go and chase down the detail. The difference from a normal Mercedes is that the basic bus is made in Spain, sent to Westfalia for conversion to an MP and then dispatched to the UK - as a result, the vehicle is off the system!

We looked at a Cali before ordering and the MP is better finished and better value. This was proved when we bought an MP to tide us over - I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Hope the above helps,

A month on from when the vehicle arrived at the dealers and....it's still sat there. Having chased and heard nothing, I gave the dealership a call this morning to find out that the registration application was rejected last week by DVLA. From what I have been told, DVLA advised that the first registration charge was a separate transaction from the taxation but the application was rejected because the registration payment wasn't included. A second application has been submitted and "it should be soon" - I'm banking on another 4 weeks wait. Am hoping that Dealers will be a bit more engaged given that they are likely to have to pay for the vehicle in full well before they get any cash out of me.

Pretty poor service from both parties....
If it helps, I made it very clear (in writing) that I was very disappointed that they couldn't tell me where the vehicle was and told them to pull their collective fingers out to provide me with a credible date. I also sent a tweet to MB Customer Service, got an acknowledgement and then within 2 days had an update from the dealer than that the vehicle would with them within 10 days (coincidence?).

The reality is that the dealership staff simply look at the computer and don't bother to go and chase down the detail. The difference from a normal Mercedes is that the basic bus is made in Spain, sent to Westfalia for conversion to an MP and then dispatched to the UK - as a result, the vehicle is off the system!

We looked at a Cali before ordering and the MP is better finished and better value. This was proved when we bought an MP to tide us over - I don't think you'll be disappointed.

Hope the above helps,

Hi… well it has arrived two weeks earlier than the latest given date and we are over the moon, almost forgotten the long wait already ….. can’t wait for our adventures to begin. Are spending this week getting to know where everything is and how it works. First challenge was to find bonnet release but this forum sooo helpful along with”camping secrets” on YouTube. Todays job to purchase a gas bottle. Good luck and I do hope you get your MP soon,.
At long last, it's been delivered. Turns out it was registered in October (!) so despite receiving it towards the end of November, I will have to re-tax in September.

Some minor niggles on inspection (paint chips/scratches on front bumper/wing, misted headlights, odd-looking rubbers around the sliding door window, ill-fitting roof seal and a services flap that doesn't close) which dealer has agreed to sort out.

Compared to my 2019 model, this is much smoother and quieter - pretty happy all told.PXL_20221119_120533467.MP.jpg

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