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Tailgate Tent taunts Saturn Orbiter

Paul Rutley

Active Member
There are some bright ideas in tailgate tents but none so far found for the Marco. A drive-away version would be fantastic for saving your pitch as well as having that additional outside loo and shower facility. Enclosing the awning is an alternative, as illustrated in the MP shop for inside of £350, but still sadly not a drive-away. Any alternative thoughts from you experienced campers?
Thank you Comfortz, didn't see this one, I'll probably put my name down for one. The one I saw last year was through Amdro for VW's admittedly costing more but ideal for a quick park and pitch and less space taking in the Marco - see http://amdro.co.uk/awnings/amdro-boot-tent-tailgate-awning-p-60.html. Are you from the Marco shop and would you know the size is of the packed tent? No worries if not as I can enquire direct but thanks again for your immediate response.

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