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Strange brush sized hole


Hy there,

just bought my new MP en noticed one strange ' hole ' at the back .
if you open the back at the right side you see a brushed shaped hole with brushes and fluffy interior .
What is it for ?

went back to the garage and the didn't know .

thank you,

This is just the housing for the strut that supports the tailgate of this is what you are talking about? Do you have nothing in there? This is mine.
I have electric opening/closing tailgate think that’s the mechanism that does the job housed in there, should have said that in my previous reply. Is yours manual?
I have electric opening/closing tailgate think that’s the mechanism that does the job housed in there, should have said that in my previous reply. Is yours manual?

Mine is manual, i think the mystery is solved ;)
thank you everyone for the quick reply's !


Marco Polo Club
