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Sticking drawer catches

Tim P

New Member
Hi there I am new to this forum… Loving my MP…
Does anyone have experience with the door and draw catches getting sticky? The button is sticking down so the door or drawer was shut et cetera?
I am imagining that shows something like blowing compressed air to say there is it right to get rid of dust or something that he is making the stick that I wondered if someone has any suggestions?
Hi Tim and welcome; the catches are a weak point, I've had one replaced under warranty for the opposite to you, vibrating and not catching properly. My sliding wardrobe door doesn't catch properly currently and the door opens when travelling. They are simple to replace, have a chat with your dealer.
Hi Tim and welcome; the catches are a weak point, I've had one replaced under warranty for the opposite to you, vibrating and not catching properly. My sliding wardrobe door doesn't catch properly currently and the door opens when travelling. They are simple to replace, have a chat with your dealer.
Thanks! Almost feels awkward adding to my warranty demands but I will! I guess my worry is if they just do this on a regular basis - let’s hope not! Thanks again!
Hi Tim

I had a drawer switch stick down. I knew what did it .... we had been at the beach and there was sand in the aluminium grooved ‘handle strip’ you use to open/close. I brushed the sand out and some fell into the gap around the button. It got sticky then stuck.

You may be able to try open the drawer and blow with a compressed air can (like the IT guys use) or take off the switch though I think you need a torx head T20 or T25. The switch body has a big gap around the button (you can remove drawers using latches on side/underneath and may me able to turn it upside down to blow/tap it out without compressed air).

... or go to MB.

Now I open the drawers and wipe dust/sand away from the buttons and off the sides of the rails :0)


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