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Some Newbie Questions


Active Member
Hello all, spending many hours researching the MP after nearly buying another California but realising MP deals at present make it significantly cheaper. However one thing we really like in the VW is the concertina blind that pulls forward to cover the aperture for the upstairs bed. We often take friends with us and it gives each couple privacy from one another with the blind closed. Also it shuts out the daylight from upstairs if you’re sleeping downstairs and don’t want early morning light. Does the MP have any optional extra that can cover the aperture in the same way? (Similar thing to the safety net for kids but solid material rather than netting).

Also how do owners find the blinds for blackout effectiveness? The Cali ones work really well as they completely shut out light but on the MP they are just roller blinds. Also it appears there’s no blinds in the windscreen pillars or magnetic blinds for the front door windows. Is the MP one piece fabric solution effective?

Mattress topper for downstairs bed, any recommendations? Factory or after market?

I’m thinking the 220 model will suffice, had the 150 Cali. Anyone disagree and feel the 300 is essential?

Smart Phone Interface, is this necessary, what does it do other than Apple car play? I like to stream music and use google maps for satnav. But the Merc has some satnav in it as standard?

Awning - Do people generally expect these on campers? We had one on the VW and rarely used it. But we don’t want to affect resale. Thoughts?

Cream leather vs Black? I love the cream but don’t really like all the cream plastics and cream fabric in the pop up roof. If we opt for black leather we’re unsure from the brochure what colour plastics we get and what colour fabric the pop up roof will be. Does anyone know? The new brochure seems to suggest black leather comes with pale grey plastic in some pics (p23 of brochure showing horizon version), we would be having the version with the sink unit and amg line and are assuming the cream plastics stay to match the sink unit which has cream doors? Is this irrespective of black or cream leather seats? Is there any choice for the lining fabric of the pop up roof?

High end sound system - listed separately to Burmeister which is available on all other models but not an option on MP. Who makes it for MP? Does it sound any good? Is the standard set up sufficient?

Is the 360 degree camera worth it?

Sorry for all the questions and hopeful if some good helpful replies
I’ve just ordered the 300. With the discounts available why wouldn’t you get something that can keep up with modern traffic
Will get a Devon duvets topper when it arrives.

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